Braucht man Grammatik, um Deutsch zu lernen? | Deutsch für Euch Interview: Steve Kaufmann

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Steve Kaufmann ist ein bekannter Polyglot, der 12 Sprachen spricht und noch immer weiterlernt! Er ist kein studierter Linguist... er mag einfach nur Sprachen :)

Learn German - with Deutsch Für Euch!

#LearnGerman #DeutschFürEuch #DFE
What you need to do to be my intro:

Record yourself saying the following things:

"Hallo Leute! Ich bin ___ (You can say whatever you want here - name, (youtube) nickname, where you live, where you're from, why you're learning German, or anything else you'd like, one or more things. It's best if you do this part in German, too, but if you're too shy, English is fine as well - just try to keep the video to roughly 10 seconds or shorter) und ihr seht Deutsch Für Euch!"

Please don't edit your videos; if you'd like something changed (e.g. color correction), let me know in your email. I'll make sure to make you look as good as possible anyway, though ;)
I can use a lot of video formats, but your safest bets are the usual candidates: .avi, .mov, .mp4 - DON'T use .dv, please. Once you're happy with your video, send it to me via ONE of these channels:
- send me a link to a the video on YouTube, also via mail
- please title your message "DFE Intro"

There's NO time limit for this, this will be an on-going thing as long as you send me videos. I'm looking forward to your submissions - feel free to get creative with it! :)
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endlich sprichst du auf Deutsch👏👏👏👏👏Deutsch für euch


I completely agree with Steve, I remember, when I just started to learn German, I cared too much about the rules, declensions, all the tables etc. I think at this moment the correct approach should just be to focus 95% on just getting as much input as possible, and maybe 5% on grammar, trying to keep this analytical systematical part as short as possible (for the time being). After getting to around B1 level at "umgangssprachliche kommunikation", the focus on grammar should be increased, at this moment it will be way easier since the brain has already built a strong "intuitively learned" foundation. But I also have to agree with Katja, sometimes knowing the rules give you a "peace of mind" that keeps you going, but I do have to say I think this is only for some nice feeling that you "understand the system", and is not actually how (at least most people) learn a language. For example, I remember at the start of my German learning journey, I watched pretty much all of the DFE grammar videos, had a good feeling because I understood the "theory", yet still had difficulties implementing this knowledge in real life. Then I had more contact with German in real life (listening to podcasts, DFE videos in Deutsch, etc.) and my German improved a lot, but at this moment, I forgot most of the grammar that I learned only systematically, but not intuitively in my brain. I don't want to say grammar is not important, I just think the focus on it has to be delayed until some foundation based primarily on input and using the language in real life is settled in the brain.


Ich bin deutsch und habe deinen Kanal zufällig gefunden. Du bist echt cool und denke eine mega gute Lehrerin! Warum ist dein Kanal nicht bekannter? Weiter so und an alle: liket ihre Videos! Viel Spaß beim Lernen ❤


Sehr interessantes Video! Danke für dieses tolle Interview, Katja! :)


Jaaa! Ich wollte mehr interview auf Deutsch sehen! Sehr gut. Danke sehr ❤
Ich immer versuche " Der Kleine Prinz " und " Alice im Wunderland " zu lesen in die Sprachen ich lerne :')))


The thing with German I think is that a lot of people focus too much on not making mistakes. The thing is though that it does not really matter from an understanding point of view. Ich fahre mit dem Auto nach Hause (correct) or Ich fahren mit der Auto zu Hause (incorrect). I drive home with my car. Yet, the second sentence is easy to understand as well and nobody should have a problem with that. Just start talking and you will be fine. Mr. Kaufmann also makes a few mistakes, but his pronunciation is good and even if he messes up a word, you still understand him 100%


Hallo, ich bedanke mich um dich, dass du super Material hat.
Ich lerne Deutsch Gerarde, und ich versuche mein Deutsch zu Verbesser.


I think it helps to study the grammer just so to have it in your brain and be aware of it. I do agree that input is most important. I wish you would do more videos with you just talking. you have a nice personality and I enjoy listening to you speak in deutsch


I agree with Steve that input is the most important thing in language learning, but still you have to first get the basics before you can expose yourself to authentic material. I usually take a primer or a teach-it-yourself book, work my way through it and then turn to original material (books, audio books, videos, films, radio, newspaper articles, etc.). The next thing is persistence, develop a routine because only if you get content every day will your brain retain what you expose it to. Passive acquisition is the easiest part. To activate that you have to talk. You don't necessarily need a person to talk to, but it certainly helps. Soliloquising is also a good way to practise. Writing as well. A practice I found particularly helpful when I learnt English was translating texts I wrote in my first language into the target language. If you are uncertain about a translation you can always turn to deepL, the best tranlator available at the moment, and in 95% of cases it is correct. You have to think about what you will need when you speak to people, think about the way you talk in your first language. Which constructions to you predominantly use, what hedges, what are you talking about. And then try to render those in the target language. If you make mistakes, so be it, someone will correct you. Hope that helps.


I wholeheartedly agree with what Steve referred to what he found is a must to learn foreign languages. Motivation is probably the most important. Reading and speaking. My parents always told me to read German aloud, so that I hear what I am reading/saying. Basically, getting an ear for German. Speaking, well, you just have to keep speaking that language. Don't be shy.
If you have the means to watch German tv do that, this or radio. Do it - it works. Personally, I am losing my German, but try to watch as much German (DW videos on YouTube to catch up on news from German. And this went for both French or any other language I might be interested in learning to a basic level.) I couldn't agree more with this advice. Very nice video!


I guess I am being old school here or even wrong but I think grammar is the most important and the hardest part of learning any language. Without knowing it, you have no road plan or any understanding of the main structure. my German never got to the point I wanted to but after 4 years of not speaking it or reviewing the vocabulary I understand B1/B2 texts or hörverstehen just because I spent a considerable amount of time in learning die Grammatik at the beginning specially until B1 Level.


Danke dir Katja und natürlich Steve.
Das ist eine tolle Idee Steve 👏 Ich lerne Deutsch seit 6 Monaten und habe ich den Grammatik gelesen, gelesen, und gelesen. Das war natürlich nicht richtig


Die seltsamen und wünderbaren Klangen hat mir zum Deutsch gelockt und darum mackt es mir immer Spaß


Es war sehr angenehm, russische Wörter zu hören


Als Deutschlehrer mache ich einen Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Beim Sprechen kann man nichr lange über Artikel und Deklinationen nachdenken. Das ist dann trial and error. Natürlich ist es umso schöner, wenn man die Theorie richtig in die Praxis umsetzt. Aber die Grammatikaspekte sind ja sowieso ein wichtiger Bestandteil beim Spracherwerb. Das kann man im Unterricht oder beim Selbstlernen üben. Natürlich sollte das richtige Erlernen schon langfristig das Ziel sein.


Der hört sich nicht hundertprozentig fließend an, doch finde ich es geil, dass er zumindest kompetent ist


halo ich komme aus Indonesia 🇮🇩
ich mag Deutsch Weil du, so pls upload again to improve my german :)


I've been learning with LingQ for around a year now and I can understand this almost 98% I would say! On the other hand I couldn't speak 20% of this haha, speaking should be practiced as well, but listening, reading and understanding is the foundation!


Wann Ich bin in Deutschlan gefahren, jeder könnten mir verstehen und ich könnte sie verstehen. Aber ich habe viele fehler mit die Grammatik gemacht, also jetzt studiere ich Grammatik um meinen Deutsch fähigkeiten zu verbessern.


Hallo, Danke für das nützliches Viedeo .Ich lerne selber Deutsch zu hause.Ich habe letzte woche niveau B1 fertig gemacht.haben sie vielleicht Tips für mich?Ich kann gut verstehen, aber kann ich nicht gut schreiben und sprechen.Ich mag Deutsch und möchte mich richtig deutsch ausdrücken .vielen Dank im voraus.
