Why I don't care about 'Climate Change' | David Saddington | TEDxTeen

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. You don't care about climate change right? Because it's a bunch words of things that don't affect your daily life. Think again. In this provocative talk, Saddington gives us a new lens on climate change. It's a game changer.

Influencing UK government policy, establishing his own social enterprise and fronting a media campaign that reached over 3 million people are just a few of David’s achievements as a climate change activist since being impacted by a stark reminder of climate change as a teenager.

From a meeting with then Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street, he discussed the implementation of climate change on the national curriculum. Climate change is now an essential part of youth education and he has pushed to expand these education reforms worldwide.

As a Three Dot Dash Global Teen Leader, he has expanded his philanthropic and award-winning social enterprise, which has developed eco gardens across Northern England and within the historic grounds of Durham University.

David has acted as an environmental consultant for countless organisations and is a regular commentator on contemporary climate issues within academic arenas and international media outlets. He has studied the science of climate change at Durham University for 3 years and led a groundbreaking glacier survey expedition to Vatnajökull, Iceland. His most recent venture transformed the medieval Market Square of Durham City into an outdoor cinema to showcase the award-winning documentary Chasing Ice. He then chaired ‘Climate Change Question Time,’ where the public could grill world leading climate experts on the science behind the headlines and how to tackle the problem.

David believes that we must act as a species rather than via fragmented interests in order to tackle this remarkable global disruptor.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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SPOILER ALERT: He cares about Climate Change.


I know what his point is and why the video is titled the way it is but sorry, it's a misleading title. The title should be 'Why We Need To View Climate Change in a Different Way.'


That was a great talk. To everyone saying the talk is misleading - he's basically saying stop talking about the abstract details and start talking about the way it impacts humanity. A fair point.


So what I see that he is saying is
Governments and corporations have found a way to scare you into giving up your money. Also preparing you to the fact that they will run your life all the way down to how long you can heat your home and the type of food you eat.


DON'T THUMB DOWN the vid before listening to what he says ! he's actually NOT a climate change skeptic


Watch at 1.5x playback speed. ;)
You're welcome.


His lecture title is perfectly titled as a critique on the way we collectively detach ourselves from a big problem that we abstract and remove from our daily lives.


Silly click-bait title.

Click bait titles gets a thumbs down on principle.


I don{t care about climate change, but let me tell you why I care about climate change


so, how much money has he been paid to say this. I strongly disagree with EVERY point he makes


I asked myself if I love the nature. The answer was yes. Then I started to finde ways to help the nature and live with "her" and not against it. I've informed myself about the effects which my behavor have to the nature, some of them where pretty clear whitout reaserch. So I changed a lot. Important is, I do not do it because the GOV tell me so, I do not do it because other ppl tell me so. I do it because I want to do it.


I thought this was going to be along the lines of "I used to be really worried about climate change, but then I did the research on hurricanes, droughts and tornadoes, and learned that they aren't trending up. I am no longer worried." Was disappointed.


Shocking speech
Good ideas but the whole idea of the title made 0 sense when he told the audience the twist.


Boring speech so let me sum it up for you: He does care about climate change; the title is to attract attention. He sees no hope in mankind reversing it (probably correct). He tells you then, without getting specific in any way, to figure out how it will affect you personally.


David, I think you make an excellent point. We are living too much in our heads when it comes to climate change. We are so engrossed in our internet connections, living in our air conditioned houses, and in our air conditioned cars... To people who are here criticizing your presentation :

Have you ever realized that heavy dark tinting on automobile windows which is now standard - was very very rare just 10 to 15 years ago? What do you think is happening?

Go outside, feel the air, feel the weather, look at what's happening in our world - in YOUR LIFE. Thanks - CC is not just a theory and science formula. GO OUTSIDE - enjoy the times that are good - and realize what we do influences our climate.


Well, it's a really misleading title. Nevertheless, this man presents a great idea. People will only start caring about any issue if it affects them on a personal level.
It would be great if everyone could focus on the science of climate change and see it as the problem that it is. However, I think we all can agree that won't happen. Most people don't really care about science. The only way to get them to care is to show them the 'real-time problems.'


The title says he has not been brainwashed by the Watermelons even though he has in fact has been brainwashed by the Watermelons.


The rain extreme weather event is easily explainable by those who understand the Grand Solar Minimum. When the sun becomes less active, the sun blocks fewer cosmic rays. The increase in cosmic rays increases clouds closer to the earth. This gives us increased extreme weather. Increased cosmic rays also activate volcanoes. Japanese scientists said 9 of the 11 major volcanoes in Japan happened during Grand Solar Minimums.


Climate always changes, and we do not affect it more than a tiddle. Carbon dioxide is not a major contributor to climate change, and water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas ... which we can do nothing about.


Message aside, there is just something about this guy and his demeanor that precludes me from watching this in its entirety.
