How SpaceX Reinvented The Rocket!

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How SpaceX Reinvented The Rocket!

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With respect to Wernher von Braun - "We didn't really find out about the NAZI thing until after he was dead" This is NOT TRUE. Everybody knew about it.


I NEVER get tired of watching the boosters come down and land. Every time is like the first time! And, when it’s a double, like with a Falcon heavy, OMG!


One point about the shuttle: 136 missions, 2 failures, BUT the shuttle never failed: in both instances the launch system (first the SRB and then External Fuel Tank) destroyed or damaged the Shuttle.


Make a video about Von Braun's reusable rocket idea. Also, it would be interesting to have one about his Mission to Mars idea.


"If things are Not failing, you are Not innovating enough!", is THE definition of Research & Development. I was one of those "do All" mechanics in a Very Large Seafood Company in SE Alaska. One day I'd be building custom Can Tracks that twisted & rerouted their direction or setting up the programming for their "in-motion" weigh machines to Diving for an inspection of a Company Fishing Vessel that had struck bottom. I was a Millwright by definition but I Really began to learn and expand my thinking when the Company hired a R&D group out of Seattle to re-invent their 1930's vintage Salmon Canning machines.
There were only 5 in the Group, the Mad Scientist Genius Inventor at the head of the group and a Very Talented group including a mechanical draftsman, a Machinist, an Electrical Engineer and we stole a Boeing Systems Program chief engineer. I was the Fabricator and Operator. But I must say, That was one of the Best learning experiences of my life !


12:02 The "jellyfish" in the video is on launch, while the audio says it is a descent. The video shows 9 engines firing during launch, and the exhaust trailing downward from the rocket. On re-entry, the re-entry burn only fires 3 of the booster's Merlin engines, and the exhaust trail is soon above the descending booster.


The development of microelectronics is essential. Microprocessors were in their early stages of development when the Shuttle was designed, let alone earlier missiles.


YES! Please do a video about this rocket, engines, stages, staging, pad, intent, size, load capacity..etc..
Thanks for another great episode!
Stay Space!


I think an episode on Werner Von Braun and his concepts would be an interesting idea.


I like the fact that the video shows the LEGO Saturn V instead of the real one at 2:14 !


"No one else has even tried" there's several companies that have tried, many unsuccessfully and even the chinese government has gotten into that game as well, likely from spaceXs own data


there has always been rocket engineers who wanted to do reusable rockets, but the companies they worked for didn't want to know because they thought the gravy train would end. Elon comes along with the idea that rockets should be reusable and those engineers flock to him, and low and behold we have reusable first stages and soon completely reusable rockets. i would have loved to hear those exit interviews where they were told they would fail and lose their jobs, only to see them succeed.


Thanks for this. I learn more every time even though I've been following SpaceX for a while.

But I was disappointed you didn't say more about the "Hover-slam" landing. The problem with F9 is that the minimum thrust from even a single engine is MORE than the F9 weighs when it lands. This means that even at minimum thrust, if it's not on the ground when its downward velocity gets to zero, it's going to start accelerating up! It can't hover, mainly because the Merlin engine can't be throttled back to less than the F9's weight. So the timing on the landing has to be pretty perfect.


The modern reaction to von Braun always confuses me. It's not like his previous employment was ever a mystery. Nor was the reason he was spared serious consequences, he could be put to useful work. But hey it's the 21st century and feelings are what's important. After all we happily used RD180s despite their Soviet origin.


Absolutely great job. Would be slightly better if you had also discussed or noted the timeline and more detailed process SpaceX uses for preparing a booster 9 in-between successive launches. Granted, details on the process may be classified, but certainly the schedule and average delay inbetween successive booster launches is public. Again, bravo for a terrific and well done video!


2:15 - lmfao. Gotta give props to the LEGO Saturn V model.


It is not true that no one else has tried reusability. Rocket lab has been working on that as well, for instance.


I remember seeing pictures of Wernher von Braun's giant three-stage rocket (fueled with alcohol and LOX, if I recall) during the 1950s. He also had a plan for a Mars mission that involved a fleet of spacecraft.


I think one other reason spacex does this while others don't is because they have the balls to attempt things everyone else thinks is mental


Lolz, Musk went on to use his "parlour trick" to dwarf all other launch providers combined in the orbital launch arena. That's some freakin trick!
