5 Things You Will See When Someone Is Sent By Satan

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Is spiritual warfare coming against your relationships, trying to keep you single, or tempting you into a bad relationship? Here are 5 things you will see in your life when Satan is sending someone to you.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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Satan will always send you his best before God sends you his best.


After 15 years I realized this. Don't let anyone to pull you out of the presence of God. Guard your heart, meditate on the Word and pray every day.


1. If this person is not calling on the Lord from a pure heart, they were probably sent by satan.
2. If someone is tempting you like satan tempted Eve, this person was sent by the devil.
3. If this person is disguising themselves as a servant of Christ but secretly walks in darkness, they are sent by satan.
4. When all the confirmation you have about this relationship requires you to twist scripture to mean something it doesn't mean.
5. If your joy in the Lord is decreasing the more you associate with this person, this probably means satan sent this person to you.


😢😢 nearly 7 years married and at year 3 1/2 I allowed my eyes to be opened my the Holy Spirit to the cunning words and distracting actions of the man I married. I no longer feel embarrassed or like a failure due to marriage ending soon. Singleness is better than being entangled more with the enemy.


Satan always sends a counterfeit before God sends you His best. Stay prayerful and vigilant Saints! 🙏🏾 Thanks for the upload Mark


In the world of narcissism, it has been said that "when satan can't get to you, satan sends a narcissist into your life"
That is EXACTLY what happened to me.
But satan did NOT win. God won!
I left my possessed like husband (morphed monster face, black dead eyes..) and I have recovered and fully healed.
God's love and Jesus love for me, helped me to stay strong.


Narcisist has been destroying my peace and harmony for nine years. But finally breaking free. Glory be to the God.


I pray I will marry the right man at the right time nomore jealous insecure man ✝️🙏


Please pray for me. I don’t have anyone to turn to and need Christian fellowship. I was in a relationship with a person exactly described in this video. My spirit is broken and I feel no motivation to do anything- eat, sleep, etc. please pray for Godly community and that I would be filled with God’s love


Wow, this is very timely. An ex messaged me a couple of days ago, wanting to communicate and get back into my life. I’ve been cordial in communication because we haven’t spoken in years, but made it clear that I cannot return back to the place I was in before.

I was also able to plant a seed letting her know that true freedom is found in Jesus… but I think it went right over her head. God will water it in due time. Thank you for this message Mark!


I look at where I'm coming from and where I am know, all I can say i see is the work of God. And I will continue to trust in him.


I've been praying everyday for that special someone, and this time I'm not going to stop praying. Last year, I thought my life was over because of a medical condition. I was living in a nightmare everyday while my family and everyone around me seemed to be frolicking. Well, I prayed so hard everyday. I didn't realize that god already healed me when I first prayed, it just took time to physically manifest and now I'm healthy again. Exactly around this time last year I was severely ill for months, now I'm healthy and able to continue my career. So I know that God will have someone very special to connect me with, I just can't see it. Everybody around me is holding hands and frolicking, but I know that Jesus has already heard my first prayer.


These signs are more obvious. But there are other things to look out for because people can be sneaky and manipulative. They can put on a good show of saying they are a Christian and even attending church weekly but do not do work on themselves until someone comes along to push them. I’ve seen this pattern over and over. But once the commitment is there, they stop doing the things that impressed you and go back to complacency. They are satisfied with right where they are and have no desire for improvement, growth, or building anything. I’ve met guys who said God told him to be a pastor but he decided not to because he didn’t want to go back to school (saying it would be hard work) and another who didn’t drive for 15 years because of a DUI but hasn’t been ready to do the work to get a license. Why so lazy on self-improvement these days??


She ruined my social life and I had to move away to live with my dad found God AGAIN after that so really I deserved it for loosing faith and questioning it


Father teach me to guard my heart against Satans attacks


This is all on point
Thanks Mark
Now it makes more sense why I lost my peace and happiness being with a narcissist who happens to be an atheist as well
Yet I thank God for saving me by his love and guidance
God is good all the time, all the time God is good 🙏


I’m being attacked by heavy spiritual forces please pray for me. They’re doing stuff to me that’s really bad. I wish God would save me but he’s allowing this to happen to me for some reason.


Just in time when I’m in a tortured state thinking about my crush who has long gone, now this video confirms me and easing the pain in my heart… Praise the Lord, thank you Mark, God bless you


The Bible warns not to become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. II Corinthians 6:14-16. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with unbelievers?


Asking for prayers because I've been controlled for 8 years by my grandma.
