Most Common Trap Why You Relapse In Eating Disorder Recovery

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Why you keep on relapsing over and over again! You need to understand this simple concept of recovery to avoid the mistake of going back to restriction. Once I realised this it was much easier to keep the recovery path!

I am here to share my experience and what I learned after having bulimia and orthorexia and finally being able to fully recover. I share my knowledge, stories and offer support and encouragement to you if you need it. I am not a trained eating disorder recovery, mental health or medical professional. So please know that I do not have all the right answers and you are responsible for your own health at all times. Thank you for watching my videos and I hope they help you in some way :) Please subscribe to my channel if you do not want to miss any future videos!

Amazon links to my book:
(If you can't find it on these links then simply type in the book name into your country Amazon search box - BrainwashED: Diet-Induced Eating Disorders. How You Got Sucked In and How To Recover)

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video or in my other videos is based on my own experience. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of trained medical or mental health professionals. The viewer should regularly consult a physician, therapist or counsellor in matters relating to his/her physical or mental health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. In the event you use any of the information in this video or other videos on this channel, the creator assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for making this video in time! I'm currently in a state where I'm considering what would be a relapse I guess, because I can't stand the weight I've gained and just feel uncomfortable doing stuff. It kind of keeps me from living my life, but then again, so did my ED and of course I don't want it back. But I just can't cope with the weight gain. :'(


Just wanted to tell you that I have been struggling with recovery for almost 2 years and this was the most helpful advice I've ever stumbled upon. Thank you so very much :)


I got out of the major bulimia cycle years ago. But the last years were rough. I still cannot eat intuitively without gaining copius amounts of weight and my metabolism is completely wrecked.
I experienced all the problems you mentioned in this video and I am so shook, that nobody ever told me this. I had to go through this stuff without knowing what was going on. Doctors also didnt believe me I had bulimia because I got into a clinic 2 years after it had started and I was put on severe medication that causes weight gain, so I switched from underweight to curvy in about a year. Bulimia stayed with me for 5 more years but doctors kept telling me I am not skinny enough for the condition.. Even though 8 years have passed, I am grateful to have found this video. Since nobody took it seriously I never got any therapy and I don’t think I am fully recovered mentally. So it helps to hear how my struggles are normal and that this must not discourage me in my recovery process.


I relapsed because of this too, because I was eating normally but always felt very bloated and like I ate way too much food (I really ate large portions) and just couldn't stop myself and then when I realized I had gained a lot of weight (Almost at my regular healthy weight, although my weight change was never very dramatic and only moved in around 7 kg range) so I felt like I had to restrict again to stop the eating monster inside of me from ruining my life and eating myself to death or whatever. Sounds stupid now, but that's what it felt like.


I started my recovery phase after watching your videos, thank you so much 🤗


One of your best videos Elisa !!! Thanks a lot


Thank you for all these videos, Elisa! I am currently recovering from an ED; I can say, it is hard to be patient!
I am glad you are doing so well now and you look fantastic!! <3


You are beautiful! 💗 I am fighting with relapsing now, I hope that my mind goes back to a healthy out look


Excellent video!! This is exactly what happened to me.Btw I like the new white background and your top is really cute 😊


this is like the most helpful video ever! thank you sooo so much!!! <3


I really needed this today to help me stay on track with my recovery despite all the issues you mentioned in this great video.
Can I ask how long recovery usually last? I know it will vary from person to person but I was wondering if there was an average range. It's been 11 months for me and I'm at the stage where I don't "binge" uncontrollably everyday like I used to but I've gained 20-30 pounds, don't feel good in my body (heavy and flabby) and still need to overeat pretty often to be satisfied both physically and mentally. So it's taking every ounce of courage I have to keep to my recovery and not start restricting.


great video again Elisa! have u noticed a worsening of cellulite during/after your recovery? my legs are only cellulite :( I suspect having lipedema


Even though i hear what you are saying, I keep thinking, maybe I'm doing something wrong and I'm stuck in the middle where I'll keep gaining.I am already overweight and by quite a bit.I am having such a hard time with this.Im trying to trust it, but it is eating at me.I am trying to do it how you say, but I doubt myself.Cant wrap my mind around getting bigger when I'm already at my heaviest.:(


Great video. A video on how to get out of a relapse and back into full recovery would be really useful for me right now. I just can't seem to get back into full recovery. :/


Hey I been recovering for about 3 months from anorexia and I been having acid reflux lately with anything I eats it normal when will it go away ?


Took a week of dieting, I lost a pound. The next thing I knew I binged eat for 2 weeks and gained more . Aughhhh I need to get back on track


Hope this helps. I relapsed due toe extremely small clothing so I am no longer buying the makes that trigger me some materials suck. Kids wouldn't wear them. Measuring myself and purging for 2 months. I am annoyed and have complained the clothes are way too small same as models and smaller ugh. Maybe they are supposed to stretch but I worry. Cotton with no lyrcra doubt it. I am angry. No more clothes shopping I wear kids as I am short. Not as well tolerated to have those too small as kids are meant to grow. A good role model can help, one of my brothers gave me some low fat pasta that I can eat and enjoy when I am too scared to eat after training.


Great advice, but being recovered has only made me more miserable. I’m going back to hardcore restricting. Bye!
