Lindsay Finds Rory’s Letter to Dean | Gilmore Girls

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“There aren't hundreds of other boys in the world? You have to go after her husband?“

Season 5 Episode 2: A Messenger, Nothing More

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Is it just me that wanted to see the towns reaction when they realised Rory was the other woman?


If Rory was willing to have an affair with a married man she should be willing to suffer the consequences of her actions


rory playing victim is absolutely wild


Lorelei praising Rory for the letter after causing so much pain to Lindsey and her family is one of the reasons Rory became such a brat later on.


This is what happens when one is raised sheltered and protected from living with the fall out of their mistakes. Dean realizes he was wrong for what he did, but Rory still thinks she is somewhat blameless


Lindsay's mother was right. Rory was horrible.


Theresa was correct about everything she said. Lindsay couldn’t even look at Rory.


Rory is just standing there silent, acting like she is the victim. Doesn't seem to show any remorse. No apology or trying to take any accountability. I appreciated that a couple of episodes before, Lorelai didn't treat Rory like the perfect daughter who does no wrong, and she makes a point that Dean is not "Rory's Dean" anymore; that Dean is now "Linday's Dean." Rory is the other woman. I also like Lindsay's mom standing up for her daughter.


Lorelai acted like she wouldn't act the same way if someone did the same thing to her daughter.. and also rory mentioned she didn't regret that night happened in the letter and lorerai said it was a good letter just because rory pulled herself out of it???


I really hate Rory because she has a habit of cheating and she really lacks self awareness with guys and knowing how to create distance, but the adultery was completely Dean's fault. He saw that she was vulnerable and kept trying to be in her life instead of appreciating his wife. The marriage was doomed from the start because he was still in love with Rory. It was only after he blew everything that he realized Rory is just like everyone else and he was able to happily move forward. Rory's main mistake was calling him on spring break.


It’s not like Dean backed away and went home. He is just as much at fault as Rory is in that affair maybe even more so. Because he’s the one that told Rory that he and Lindsay were done.


Lindsay’s Mom was right. Rory’s awful and Dean’s just as bad. He was married and had an affair with her. Rory knew he was married and went for him anyway. They’re both at fault and didn’t care who they were hurting.


Lorelai defending Rory here was incredibly annoying. I get that is what she does. But Lindsay deserved to read Rory for filth or slap her. Something! Rory lacks self-awareness and remorse. It's one thing to be a spoiled brat as a child. But to do so as an adult and have a hand in ruining lives is cringe. At least Dean acknowledged that he was trash. Rory didn't and Lorelai didn't help her do so. Just garbage.


i hate how lorelai was trying to protect rory from hearing sookie talk about the lindsay throwing deans things. she should have to hear about the things she did! it was terrible how she claimed "he was my boyfriend first!" dean was just as stupid for wanting to sleep with rory


Anyone else notice Rory and Lindsey had the exact same haircut, hanging their heads while their mothers are in a public shouting match?


Lindsay is the only winner from this situation. Dean was so nasty to her, it really made me so sad when she went to the butcher to ask about how to cook the roast. She deserves the world! I wish they showed a scene where Rory knocked on Lindsay’s door and apologised just them two, not the mothers fighting for them. And Lindsay would have said her peace and Rory would have maybe understood more. They were all teenagers and it’s a hurtful and heavy situation to navigate when you are so young. I love this show so much.


Rory and Dean were sick for this! I felt so sorry for Lindsay


Its always annoyed me that Lindsey didn't get to confront Rory cause her mum was too busy going off. Let the poor woman who's been wronged get a word (or a slap 🤷🏻‍♀️🤫) in! Also why wasn't the whole town talk about Rory being the other woman. They still sing her praises for being a saint after this.


"i threw it all away for someone who already dumped me once" Lie. Dean broke up with Rory all 3 times they were together.


Even sadder is that Dean and Lindsay seemed on the verge of repairing their marriage before they found out. I do think they could have worked out once Dean had put Rory behind him. Perhaps not at the moment, but I can see them working once they were both older and more mature.
