Single Player Tarkov | Will you get banned?

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A lot of newcomers to the SPT Mod for Escape from Tarkov have one simple question, will using the mod get you banned from the live version of EFT.

SPT Mod Requirement - Legit copy of EFT

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You won't get banned, SPT creates a local server on your PC that does not communicate with BattleState Games. You can jump between SPT and Online by simply loading either your local server or launching through BSG, no need to choose one or the other...just don't launch both servers at the same time.


I can say that I am one of those potential sales being gained because of this mod existing. There will always be people who dont want the ultra sweaty hardcore experience, and while of course devs shouldn't dilute their vision of the multiplayer experience they want to create just for the sake of mass appeal, having an option like this thats seperated from the "real" game is just free money from sales by people who wouldnt have bought the game otherwise.


BSG would totally make a huge killing in the marketing if they would open up possibilities for single-player offline features, it would be amazing for BSG to create something like the Single Player Mod for Co-Op gaming. My friend's grandpa loves the unique style of Tarkov, but would rather have a solo offline experience.


Personally I like STP more than live tarkov, simply because I can tailor the experience more and also don’t have to deal with wipes. Plus it feels less like a grind


I switched to SPT a while back, haven't been banned on live Tarkov and I don't expect to. Banning players for playing a mod of your game (that they already paid for) is such a mind bogglingly stupid decision that I doubt even Nikita would pursue it seriously. If BSG was smart they would recognize that a lot of people are fed up with the online Tarkov experience and implement some form of offline single player mode to appease SPT players. They already have a practice mode for offline raids that supports co-op, if they made it so you could progress an offline profile while playing with your friends then there would be virtually no reason for SPT to exist. BSG is frustrating.


Bought tarkov a while ago but the learning curve was so brutal i couldnt get into it. Especially since the friends i have to guide me arent on at the same time as i am a ton. Only played it for about a day and i already learnt the general layout of one map as well as gun mechanics etc... Way faster all while being fun instead of painful


been playing for years at this point on SPT. never had an issue, it can lead to a ban so you take the risk, but personally... i'd rather just play SPT than go online and deal with the hacking bullshit, .


Been playing both for a little under a year now. No problems ever, but for me, i make sure the local server and everything SPT-AKI related is closed before i run real Tarkov(to get my dose of being cheated on) and vice versa


Bag should hire these guys what they have done with the mod is amazing and how tarkov was meant to be.


I got the game for free and havent touched it in 6 months. I love Milsims but Tarkov is just miserable when you are constantly being griefed by campers and thiccbois.


They can't even ban half the cheaters...


I just now heard of this, I might actually play this game again, yaaay


So i kinda have question - i dont care about playing tarkov online, hence - i dont care about getting banned. If i do stupid, and accidentally get banned, will i be able to still play with mod?


Just as a sign from someone who's outside, I WOUDL ONLY play and buy this game with the single player mode. Completely UNINTERESTED in online PvP here; older guy too


As long as you cant transfer your profile to the original game then there is no problem. Would be cool though 😅


By “getting banned” do you mean you lose access to even spt or it's just losing access to their multiplayer servers (which I would be completely fine with) ?


Just dont open it when you want to play normal tarkov again. Simple


Sorry guys, but with the next update it will include the ability to see what files are open (randomly) and if it is this or another cheat. You will get banned


no one make a video about HOW to install/play etc the single player mod. And I asked goodle and it didn´t show me any website how to install it or any other hints


I’ve taken the risk (if any) of installing it today… I live in rural Kentucky and have abysmal internet… I’m hoping this will help in some way, also, I can in fact still play with my friends by using regular eft right?