Bad Theology: John Wesley's Prevenient Grace

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Garbage theology. Not Sorry. We are either slaves to sin, dead in sin, unable and unwilling to please God or we are not. There is no in-between state.

Seedbed: Why I am not a Calvinist

Article on Prevenient Grace:

#johnwesley #arminianism #wesleyan #methodism #seedbed #fail #prevenientgrace #disappoint
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An individual has to be under divine judgment or not have enough Bible knowledge to accept the teachings of John Westly . Most Preachers and professors are not going to be on the narrow path --


first off God doesnt "elect " people . scripture teaches that when we believe on the one He sent we become elect and God elected all those who believe in Him to be the ones set apart .


i stop watching after first sentence John Wesley entire teachings are about how Christ righteousness is important to us. Sorry you misunderstood his entire teaching.


slave . Jesus sets us free
dead to sin, Jesus makes us alive
unable to please God, , sorry again you are wrong by the ones who taught you, all we need to do is believe what Jesus did by reading what is written,
hostile to God yup some are but lots are not
can not accept or understand, yup we need the spirit, which we get after we believe,
very simple, you are complicating things by your theology
