Three Types of Election in the Bible // Calvinism vs Arminianism

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The doctrine of election is hotly debated. One of the difficulties comes in the different ways the Bible talks about how God chooses and what he chooses for. In this video, Dr. Matt O'Reilly walks through three different ways the Bible portrays God's election of his people as a group and individually.

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Dr. Matt O'Reilly is Lead Pastor of Hope Hull United Methodist Church near Montgomery, Alabama, and Director of Research at Wesley Biblical Seminary. This page may contain affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
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What's your view on the doctrine of election? And why?


The doctrine of election is hotly debated. One of the difficulties comes in the different ways the Bible talks about how God chooses and what he chooses for. In this video, Dr. Matt O'Reilly walks through three different ways the Bible portrays God's election of his people as a group and individually.
Marcos Lopez - Brazil


Excellent. Clearly & succinctly explained - thank you. We need such teaching to try and help our Calvinist brothers. Directing them here - rather than to a 2-hour long video - will be more profitable.


Great video, I did find the edits to be distracting


How can election to salvation be conditional ? If it is then salvation is not of grace, but of our free will.


"The older will serve the younger" Esau/Jacob Similar to how David was chosen to be king instead of his older brothers. David was chosen for service not for salvation at the expense of his brothers.


If they do not continue in there unbelief they can be drafted back in again. One makes the other jelous bringing them to salvation too. a partial hardening has come over isreal untill the fullness of the gentiles has come in and so all of israel will be saved. does this mean Esau? Does this mean not just isaac decendents but "All of isreal"?


Old covenant bs while we have already been reconciled. How scholarly


I’d disagree with your Romans 9 interpretation. I don’t think Paul has nations in view here, rather individual salvation. Why is it that Paul says after speaking about Jacob and Esau, (which you interpret as nations?) “So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:16‬. My question is why is it that Paul does not say “it doesn’t depend on the nation who will or on the nation who runs?” This passage is clearly about individual salvation just like the preceding chapter in Romans 8:28-39 which leads him to Romans 9. I truly believe no Arminian can walk through these texts consistently. I’d be happy to discuss this with you maybe we can do a show or something. Great video brother!


The law was done away with almost 2000 years ago. Your book says sin was the trespass of the law. Jesus said I came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Your book also says Jesus came to save those under the law, from the curse of the law. The "church" believes not their book says and swears somehow that they are close to God. "Jesus came at the end of the age to put away sin". You believe nothing your book says, and act like Jesus death means nothing, throwing him back up on the cross every time you say he still has to forgive sin. Sin was of the law and the trespass of the law. All I your book. When Jesus died he opened the way back up to God, and reversed the curse of Adam which was lost fellowship with God. The whole point of his coming was to take back the kingdom that Satan took in the garden by tempting them to sin. He did that and we now have fellowship with God. No mediator needed. Jesus won it back. You guys are living under sin and law when you should be celebrating reconciliation, and a relationship with God won on the cross. Jesus came came to save those under the law from the curse of the law and you want to live under the law when you were never under it. It's crazy.You live easy religion, nothing more. Jesus is to reign on David's throne over the house of Jacob forever, not us. There is a reason, and that is because he came to save those under law from the curse of the law, and that was the believers out of Israel when he was in earth. Paul said, not to you, but people then, some of you standing here will not taste death until you see the Son of man coming in His kingdom. Why do you pretend that is you. Jesus described his coming throughout the so called new testament including Matthew 24.It was not to us. He had a private talk with his disciples and told THEM that they would see all those signs of his return and said it was near. He describes the destruction of Jerusalem the Roman army invasion in 66 ad-70 as which destroyed Jerusalem, the temple, and ended old covenant Israel and described it to a t historically. You guys think that still the Euphrates needs to dry up for armies to cross when we have jets, missiles, mechanical bridges. That stuff was not to you, and just because you can hold a book and pretend that words like me, we, they, them, you are referring to you is ludicrous. Jesus, your book says did a short work on earth, returned to heaven, submitted himself to God, turned the kingdom, all power and authority back to God and that now God is all and in all. ALL and in All. We know good from evil and you yourselves know you do. Easy religion will not get you past that. Sin was of the law and of the flesh, and why Jesus died for those under the law . He became sin for them, and did what? Died. Evil is of the heart and you know what it is. Jesus gave all back to God after His work whether you like it or not. God reigns now and is to be worshipped as such. He alone gives revelation to man and there is not one new revelation coming from a book with bad translations of letters written 2000 years ago addressed to people then. It is stolen mail at best if you pretend they were to you in any way whatsoever. God reigns now. Stop pretending you are under law and dragging people down with you. Flee evil, do good and worship God. Death hell and the grave, sin were defeated by Jesus. Why do you not believe him? The world was reconciled back to God and you should be celebrating that. Instead you pretend that sin and law are still in place. Even Jesus said the end would come when the gospel which was given to the apostles to take to the world was taken to the world and it was. Colossians 1. None of it was spoken to you. None. All addressed to people 2000 years ago. Put in a book, still in present tense and you read it like me, we, they, you, those, ...are to you. It's weird. God reigns. Jesus finished his work. God alone is to be worshipped and your soul is in His hands. Flee evil, do good, trust God for all, including revelation to man, the way he has always done. Pray for truth constantly and He will give it to you. Warning. STOP dragging people under sin and law to drown with you. For your souls sake.


Lol. Reconciliation occurred and the curse gone, fellowship restored and these people want to talk this meaningless stuff. Sin was put away by Jesus because it was the trespass of the law, and boom, "Christians" say it's a lie.


Acts 2 tells you who the nations were. It was not to us. We, me, they, you, those, us is not referring to us in 2000 year old letters. Weak man.
