IELTS Writing Task 1 Table | Lesson 2: How to Write a Band 9

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Table | How to Write a Band 9
Hi everyone,
In this video, you can see how to write a band 9. You’ll see the techniques and thought processes that you need to get a higher IELTS writing score.
In the first video, I shared with you the general process for writing task 1 and how to apply it in each type of chart or graph. If you have not seen this clip yet, click the link below:

IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart | Lesson 3: How to Write a Band 9

So, the second video will show you how to analyze the data for the second type: “TABLE”. Remember to follow the 3 steps that I mentioned before in the first video for the line graph.
Step 1: Read the topic carefully and identify important information:
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Please don't have loud music background it's super annoying when one is trying to grasp information


The table illustrates information about the underground railway systems in six cities. These cities are London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles.

Overall, the railway system of London is longer than all the cities, whereas Kyoto has the shortest railway system length.

Interestingly, yearly train passengers in Tokyo were higher than London's railway commuters. Despite that Tokyo's railway system is shorter than London's, the former was 1927 yearly passengers, while the latter was 775. The same behavior was evident while comparing French passengers with London's. The total length of the Paris railway system is 199 kilometers, but the yearly French passengers were 1191. On the contrary, Washington DC's commuters were 144 only. Meanwhile, Kyoto's annual train passengers were 45, and Los Angeles commuters were 50.

The passengers for Kyoto and Los Angeles signify that the length of the railway system might contribute to their low yearly passengers, as the former has 11 kilometers while the latter has only 28 kilometers train system. In addition, Washington DC's railway length is 126 kilometers, as this length is also lower than London's with about 394 kilometers railway length.


Things bad about this video:
1. She talks way too slow
2. Too many ads
3. Video could’ve been reduced to few mins rather than 12
4. music was kind of distracting
5. Too many pauses
6. Monotone voice, (needs some enthusiasm and needs to sound more human rather than a robot)
7. Overall flow of the video is very slow
8. Video stretched out for 12 mins while it could’ve been less if she just would talk normally and not some robot held at gun point forced to read a script

Next time please make it a short summary and not some college lecture


there shouldn't be a conclusion in task 1.


I had to watch the vid at 1.5x speed, too slow


On the third paragraph, when you talked about "passengers per year" of Tokyo, it's mentioned that "with 1927 million passengers per year"

Question is, how do we know if it's "million" because "million" isn't mentioned in the question.


omg i watched minimum 6 advertisements during this video


Thank you very much for the amazing explanation dear Teacher. This extremely outstanding guidance


I thought if the report is in the past, then use the past tense. Instead of using IS, WAS should use in the sentence. Am i right? Please correct if im wrong🙂


Great presentation and simple background. Despite the music being too loud and distracting, I love it. I want to know the name of it. If you could pls tell me the genre and the name of this music.


Thank a lot, it helps me a lot in learning writing. Thank again


Very nyc explanation mam but mam why u use million word because it is not mentioned in table that data given in millions....


Thank you, l got 7, 7, 6.5&7 in listening, reading, writing &speaking respectively because of ur invaluable exam tips.


I'm listening to your voice and watching your texts, now. Your explanations is good, but the words and sentences aren't clearly.
Can you correct this problem? Thanks a lot


Thank you for the tips and strategies, but your website is full of advertisement I cannot watch and click on any videos without being bombarded with advertisements.


DON'T write a conclusion in task 1 table!!! It's wrong explanation !!!


Can we write overview/conclusion in second paragraph after introduction???


Why this answer is in present tense.. May be we use past tense words like was, were, has, have... Please reply? Quite confused 😕


You just keep saying click on the description below


I have a little question. I was taught that when I state 2 or more figures at the same time ( for example: compared to 25% and 35% for the A and B company), I must use "respectively" to clarify what I mean. But in this video, I can see that you didn't write the word "respectively "?
So is it optional and won't make the sentence vague when it's removed? Thanks a lot 👍
