Are Bologna & Hot Dogs Safe to Eat? [Cheap Carnivore] 2024

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Everyone will tell you that bologna, hot dogs and other processed meats are junk food and really bad for your health, and they are wrong. Humans have been curing meat with salt and spices for thousands of years (see video graphic). When you stop thinking about processed meats as a category and just think of what they are made of, it becomes clear that they are a healthy food for you to eat.

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I'm a truck driver. I sit in a truck for hours at a time. I keep hot dogs, eggs, hamburger patties in my refrigerator. In my little pantry I have sardines, Vienna sausages, mackerel in olive oil. I have lost a lot of weight eating this diet. And I keep it off. As long as I don't go crazy with sugar and carbs. Obesity is a huge problem in the trucking industry so I try to educate other drivers about proper eating habits. A lot
Of those eating habits. I learned from this channel. Thank you sir


I eat all beef hot dogs and all beef bologna. I also eat potted meat and vienna sausages. Better than waffles, frosted flakes, and a lot of other things.


Thank you Dr. Berry for your continued encouragement to eat what we can afford. I am 71 and on a fixed income. Hot dogs and bologna have been a good part of my diet.


PLEASE PROTECT this man at all costs !! He is not scared to share the truth!!!! Thank you Dr.Berry!!!! ❤❤


I agree. It's still full of protein. Maybe not the very best option but its still WAY WAY better than eating bread, pasta, rice, cereal, french fries and salads.


We were so poor, cheap hot dogs were a Friday night treat for myself and my 5 siblings, as kids. Hot dogs and balony brought us thru to adulthood. I'm thankful and blessed.


I love Dr. Berry. The one man that keeps me focused. 63 yo, ketovore (now), down 73 pounds. No meds. Exemplary blood panel (except for you LDL haters) and totally med free. I even beat my Gout. God's honest truth. Listen to this man if you want to get healthy. Seriously. My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Berry.


Of course it will be your job to read the ingredients and find the hot dogs & bologna with the least junk additives...


this video got me thinking, and it actually reminded me of the hidden herbs. that book is a fantastic read and covers so much more!


I wouldn't take a recommendation from the WHO for anything!


Aldi has 100% organic all beef hot dogs! Love them.


God Bless you Dr. Berry.
4 years ago I wanted to become a nutritionist after watching your videos. 4 years later I finished my masters degree in Human nutrition. You were my key inspiration of this achievement. You were always such a loving personality and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Man, you're looking younger now compared to your old videos.
If that's not a sign that carnivore is the right way, I don't know what else is.


For the last five years of our Jack Russell’s life, we fed her hotdogs because her teeth were getting bad. She loved the hot dogs! All of our friends were looking down their noses of us for feeding our dog hotdogs. It’s so so bad for her. Well, she just passed away, but she lived to a ripe ole age of almost 16. I don’t think she would’ve made it that long on bag dog food.


I'm 67 years old, I have been a bologna and hotdog consuming individual since I was old enough to eat. In fact when I was a kid, bologna and oatmeal were the only thing I would eat. The family would eat fried chicken, spaghetti, steak and potatoes. Not me ! Bologna was my staple and nothing else would do! For 45 years I never saw a doctor until I retired and got Medicare. I'm in great health. No forms of cancer, heart in great shape. I will never stop eating bologna or hotdogs.


Holy crap, I just checked the ingredients of a pack of hotdogs in my fridge and was totally shocked to find that I can pronounce all the ingredients…that’s a game changer for me (I love hotdogs).


I love that you’re speaking up for all of us, most of whom are stressed financially, and not just for the small minority who can afford boutique grass fed milk, butter and eggs. This actually makes you very special. I really congratulate you on caring for people like a doctor should care — for the wellbeing of all people. ❤


I am 88 years old. During my Blue Caler work life, my go-to lunch was bologna sandwardhwa with an apple or banana and coffee. Man, I love an occasional hot dog with mustered onions and ketchup. I appreciate your Grammarly support.


When I saw the title my heart sank. I count on hot dogs to help with the grocery bill. Thank goodness it's a thumbs up!


This message is so needed right now. It seems like in the last few months a lot of the carnivore YouTube channel people have really turned into snobs. Saying how suddenly they don’t eat bacon anymore, they don’t eat this. They don’t eat that because it’s just not good blah blah blah. Yeah well if you could afford to eat ribeye every day, your life good for you. Majority of us can’t.
