Unreal Engine 4 SnackSize - Solving Errors - Accessed None

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In this series of videos I show you how to fix some of the more common errors found when developing games in UE4. If you have an error that you want explained, please leave a comment below.

This is the solution to the error of "Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property"

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OMG you're a godsend. I managed to resolve this issue with the same steps done here now, but I was looking EVERYWHERE for a video on this error. This will be handy for future reference. Thank you.


@Ryan Laley im getting error in set blackboard Value as Vector "Accessed None Trying to read property


I don't know really how can I thank you for I had a huge project which always get fcked up by this error whenevery I try to load it in other editor. Thanks a lot


THANK I was tearing my hair out at this error and all it needed was 1 click to fix ?!? Thanks so


Thank you so much, now time for health bars and counters.


Thanks to you my spawn/checkpoint system is now working!


Finally I understood how to call a blueprint from another blueprint!! Thank a lot!!!


This video saved me :D
Thank you very much!


thanks alot, this is is very helpful as always


Im doing Renders for VFX. just kill all of that shit in the event editor minus the greyed out one. Fixed it. THANK YOU.


What about if you have I dunno is valid and it registers as valid but still gives you the error? I am referencing just the default player. I went both routes of just making a variable with a reference and also doing the whole get all actors class etc.

(The BP worked find elsewhere.)


Im trying to clear widget errors
I have a widget in my lobby which is plays a countdown until the match starts
Blueprint runtime error: "Accessed None trying to read Hudref" Blueprint Lobbylevel function execute ubergraph Lobbylevel graph EventGraph Node add to viewport
what i did was create HUD Widget the Class is called HUD at the return value I set hudref which then is linked to add to viewport


Lol literally crushed this error Myself today after a week of it.
most of the time from my experience its that something is trying to read data from a variable before its been set and the result is none,
i used an is valid condition and that fixed it


I have an issue that is cropping up that has to do either with this or simply a failure to cast properly.

I have an actor called BP_BonusJewel. The idea is that you pick up this jewel and it sets a Boolean from false to true.

Other actor is a level exit trigger. inside of this actor, when the overlap event is triggered I have it play a victory jingle, disable the players input, freeze the countdown clock, and then load the next level. This part works, but I wanted to add in a very simple branch where if you have picked up the bonus jewel and it has set this boolean, it would go to the other level, the bonus level. I have cast to the BP_BonusJewel inside the level exit. Using the branch i've said if it's true go to the bonus level, if it is false go to the regular level. It doesn't want to work. It just stops at the cast to BP_BonusJewel node with no error. When I tie a print string into the cast failed exec, it pops up. So it's failing to cast. I'm stumped.


I had a cutscene open up as soon as the player entered a level, called through the level blueprint. It was working fine until I went back to move some things around. The error was "accessed none callfunc_GetPlayerCharacter" which was attached to a Disable Input node. I do have a player character, so that node does have a valid reference. Apparently, all I had to do was save the build data I had on that level, since I moved things around. Hope that helps others with this issue.


Hey Ryan, i need your help.
Can you please make a video step by step for how setup CodeWorksForAndroid and install The NDK platform (android-ndk-r19c) for the latest version android 9 API 28 or higher and package in Unreal Engine 4.


I am getting this error ''Accessed none trying to read'' on your mini map tutorial with ''addPOI'' looking for my HUDReference(HUDLayout) and also just ''Accessed None''. It is in the Event Graph for the PointOfInterest_Component.


i really need your help. With your advanced dialogue tutorial i get the error " accessed none trying to read PlayersHUD" i have no idea how to fix that. i am going crazy over it bc it doesnt display "press e to interact" like it should


Trying to use this but sadly everything I'm trying to use to fill it is uncompilable. How do you fix it :(


how do you fix a Soft reference access none error?
