The Screaming 17 Year Cicada

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This was a cicada which has recently swarmed the area. This little bug was particularly "talkative" whenever it was touched so I recorded this because I thought it was funny. The 17 year cicada (Magicicada septendecim) hatches up from the ground after 17 years, swarms the area for a few short weeks to mate and then dies.
The Screaming 17 Year Cicada
what the 17 year cicada sounds like INDIVIDUALLY and as a group
Screaming Mad Cicada | Volume Up!
The calls of thousands of the 17 year cicadas yelling at each other.
17 year cicada scream tree
*incoherent cicada screams*
17-year cicada, what does the sound remind you of?
Sounds of the 17 Year Cicada
Loud 17 Year Cicadas
Screaming Cicada
Cicadas! 17 year cicada just emerged. Listen to the sounds.#shorts
Misto on a log while the 17-year cicadas scream.
17 year cicadas flying and audio
The amazing reason cicadas are SO LOUD
Cicada “scream”
17-Year Cicada in Southern, Indiana. Man - they are LOUD!!!
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17-year cicadas - Magicicada sp. - raiding the village
17-Year Cicadas, a lot of them
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17 Year - Periodical Cicadas
Why do cicadas scream?