3 Tips to Improve Your Logo Design - Critiquing, Simplifying, Research

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3 Tips To Improve Your Logo Design

1. Methodical Critiques - Whether critiquing your own work or someone else’s, it’s important to remember that a good critique follows a process. I think of it like a train. The logo is the engine and what I think needs to be fixed is the caboose. The key is to share your thought process as you go from one end of the train to the other.

2. Simplify your design - If you look at your logo and you're just not happy with it. It's probably a sign that there's too much going on. It's time to simplify. A good technique is to hide all your layers and start adding things back 1 at a time. This will help you see where the problem is.

3. Do plenty of research - This is where inspiration comes from. It’s easy to make the mistake of jumping straight into designing but resist that temptation. Look at whats been done, look at references no matter how obscure. This is the food your brain will use to come up with ideas, don’t short change it! Pixar spends lots of time and money doing research, it must be worth it.

These are 3 small things you can start doing that will improve your logo design skills. Getting better is a slow process, but these 3 things are a step in the right direction. We will have more tips for you soon. Keep learning stuff, one day you will be great! Thanks for watching. The Futur.


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Host– Chris Do
Content Director– Matthew Encina
Cinematographers– Mark Contreras, Stewart Schuster, Aaron Szekely, Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia
Editor– Aaron Szekely
Live Editor– Jona Garcia
Social Team– Elle Money, Alex Burlui
Typefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Neue, Calibre
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne futur academy
Рекомендации по теме

Chris reminds me of my favorite design theory teacher. She's been my favorite teacher for years actually. I had the best possible experience with critiques from her while I was in design school back in Cuba. Two of the things you mentioned are particularly very close to how I was taught to look at my work.
- To remove elements from compositions and if the piece doesn't suffer from that removal then it wasn't meant to be there.
- Like you said Chris, start with references from what works. It's funny you mentioned the zoo. One of my assignments in my first year was to create a simplified version of an animal. We were told to go to the zoo and the museum of science that had a library accessible to university students. All that in order study how the animal behaves.

This video brought great memories and it's legit gold advice to everyone.


Also, in that Top Story logo, The S looked like an slanted N


You guys are such amazing homies. Right now, I am working as a student designer at my university. This had amazing timing because I was in a slump because I got assigned to do a series of branding. And I kinda started to become overwhelmed. Now I am feeling pumped again. Love you guys! *Crying buckets of happy tears*


Thank you Chris for this video, really made me a better designer than I was 5 mins ago.

Sharing si caring
Much love ❤️


First time I'm disagreeing with Chris: the lion logo looks very cool and professional. This is Graphics Design, NOT Fine Arts. And even if we're to classify as partly fjne art, art is still subjective.
The big head representation gives the logo a winning edge and breaks it free from what it would otherwise have come off as: GENERIC.


Anyone agree with me but I find Chris’s energy level is up the ceiling in these short videos 😆. Thanks the Futur! ♥️


Love these shorts. Be fun and helpful to see reworks of the logos (or similar) in a matching longer video.


So glad you started this channel. Although the live streams are pure gold with lots of value, I don't have always the time to watch them in full.


Loved this. Compact video with perspective changing knowledge!


Love this channel! This is exactly what I need right now.


Really great tips!! I will be sure to use them the next time I critique someone's work. Thanks so much for giving us such great content!


Really in love with you guys. Watching your videos here and on the futur for like 3 weeks continuously. <3


I'm so glad I found this channel. It's so helpful!


These short clips are really valuable.... Hope we see more such content in the future from the Futur.... :-)


Thank you for the great video! I've just done a new project and those three tips were actually the things I learned in the process of designing. I think they are useful tips for any design project in general.


really been useful in my design improvements


I love reusing old clips and add more commentary to them.. awesome


Awesome video you guys! Really loving this new evolution of The Futur! Your quality pertaining to graphic design is truly unmatched!


Nice, love all these small and fast tips of gold. KEEP DOING IT👊


Every day I am learning something new from you guys. You guys are just amazing! Thank you for shaping my career🙏🏻😊🇮🇳
