Phil Taylor on how to play darts - Masterclass & Throw examination.

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A master class from the best ever (Phil the power Taylor) as well as a look at how we put these into practice. All made as easy as possible.

My channel is exclusive to darts only content. I create my content as I simply love to play darts and want to help other dart players improve with my own channel.

All my video's are based on how to play darts as well as advise on equipment and general darts setup with the aim to guide any new players in their darting journey as well as provide more experienced or even professional dart players with dart content to help improve.

I throw around an 80 average myself with my left hand due to in injury and dartitis in my right arm.

I may on occasion use footage from the Professional darts corporation (the P.D.C) as well as The British Darts organisation (The B.D.O). These are used under fair use legislation and all credit should be given the rightful creators.
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Thank you, today, I took screenshots of entire Phil Taylor's throw, how he stands straight and centered at oche, even while walking to oche, his eyes have purpose, than as he takes stance, his focus gets sharper, how, natural, he takes his foot stance, nice/straight focus lock comes down from T20 to his foot.. how he takes out darts .. nothing moves, just hand and aim set up.. he course correct his eyes, does his hand zoom in twice to target twice, his max pull back, releasing his dart to fire, microseconds/just few mom's b4 his smooth release, nice & straight followup action.. still head, eyes locked as he gathers 2nd dart.. again whole aim set up, pull back.. fire.. all these individual screenshots, from 2 angles with my own language, I edit the images with step by step text on them and now, I'm proud to save it in my learning folder.. will see them again and again and practice so that these very important basics are becoming my natural throw & mechanical one.. getting these good habits, focus .. and imbibing them to my muscle memory.. oh man.. I am not even 60 days old in understanding darts but I am in love and possessed.. thank you.. straight to the point🎯🙏


Really good video. Phil Taylor’s throw is so amazing 👍🏻🎯


Changed his dart positioning over the years. Not necessarily the grip, but the attitude angle.


Just a question .
When aiming with elbow 90 and before The
pullback the dart is covering my visión so i
dont see The dartboard.I only see the
dartboard when pullback and release The
dart.Is it correct ? Or must see throwing point
when aiming ?.
And what would Phil Taylor do? Thanks a lot


Grateful to see these analyses. Great as Phil Taylor already is, I've for so long been mystified by how he particularly threw his first live televised 9-darter in 2003 as seen in the first part of this video. Do you suppose you could identify how Phil aimed or sighted the darts in that match? He doesn't appear to have done it by looking down the V of the flight and the shaft; what would his reference point have been? his knuckle perhaps? Great videos as always. Keep 'em comin'!


is one of the video's mirrored? when you talk about his left leg to the oche he throws left handed in the rest of de video
right handed?!


Great content btw. Something else to add. Phil is one of those rare players (Bobby George was another) that's opposite eye dominant. That is to say he's right handed but left eye dominant. Almost everyone who's right handed is right eye dominant and vice versa. This is why he positions straight on to the board with his face and pulls his dart back almost to the left side of his face. Bobby's technique was even more pronounced than this, amd people just thought he had an odd throwing style, but this is why.
I only just became aware of this whole phenomenon recently, as the information wasn't out there when i was playing as a young lad, as the Internet was in its infancy. I used to hit a lot of 5's back then, so i decided to do the test myself, and low and behold, im a right hander, left eye dominant. So, with a few tweaks to my positioning and pull back, I'm finding a bit more consistency since i picked up playing again after a 20 year hiatus!


Is this mirrored at 2:38. He usually does not throw with left arm and left foot forward.
