The Holy Spirit Truly Is Speaking to You If . . .

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How can you hear the voice of God? How can you hear the Holy Spirit properly? How can you really be sure you are hearing God's voice and not just your own voice? What does the Bible say about listening to the Holy Spirit? Here are 4 signs the Holy Spirit truly is speaking to you.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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Yall pray for me, I have been longing for God to fill me with his precious holy spirit. Like i feel like im chasing after God to be close to me and talk to me I been praying that he fills be up with the holy spirit and his glory. And just let it over flow.


0:10 1. You can be sure the Holy Spirit is actually speaking to you when you are being shown how to exalt Jesus
1:53 2. When the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, He will focus on producing the fruit of the Spirit in you
3:27 3. The Holy Spirit is truly speaking to you when the Word of God is illuminated to you in your heart
5:50 4. When you receive an inner peace paired with a Biblical plan, this is usually the Holy Spirit speaking to you


The last year 2019 was so challenging year in my life: spiritually, in my studies, physically and emotionally. Still I felt the presence of Holy Spirit whose guiding my life. Interesting topic anyway, because I’ve been looking forward an answer that hasn’t taken place yet in my life. During my quiet time I pour my heart to God, to come to me to answer my concern. I hope this New Year is a turning point in my life. Please pray for me, YouTube family.


The Holy Spirit will never be confusing as God is NOT a God of confusion.


A few years ago I was in a spot were I felt like my faith was dead and I no longer believed. I often fantasized about my own death (killing myself) I was being demonically oppressed. I remember getting on my knees in faith and begging God to restore my faith. I didn't want to not believe because when I didn't believe, everything was meaningless. Real life didn't feel real. God then placed a certain desire in my heart to draw me close to Him. He revealed Himself to me through dreams and even in real life circumstances. He revealed to me what I believe to a prophetic dream showing me that this desire of mine would be met after a series of events in my life (all so far have actually happened except the last thing) The crazy thing is, months ago, God laid on my heart the fruits of the spirit with an emphasis on patience and self control. Months before this video ever existed.


"The fruit of the spirit is love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control."


I’m praying the Holy spirit leads this year through his guidance, conviction, and comfort .


Please pray for me! I just broke off an engagement with my longtime boyfriend because the spirit was not giving me peace about the relationship. I am so heartbroken but this video gave me confirmation that I was indeed hearing the spirit not my own voice. Thank you!


This is exactly what i was thinking about! Im a new Christian and i cant seem to figure out if God is actually speaking to me or its demons. This helped me a lot, God bless you♡


I just prayed yesterday, and I’m having a lot of thoughts, and now, you upload this video.
It’s not coincidence, god blesses you my friend.


Thank you Mark, I've wondered about this for a while now. My wife and I are recently reborn and I've heard others say they have heard the voice of God, and even when Jesus say's my sheep will know my voice. I thought by not actually hearing him with my ears I wasn't being communicated to. This gives me a better understanding. May God Bless You!


Amen. Mark. Once again right in point.


Thank you for this ministry. I praise God and glorify the Lord for you!


Recently, on my way to a ministry function, I was praying en route. I had in mind that I wanted someone (no one in particular) to pray for me. The moment I arrived, a friend of mine ran up to me, embraced me, and began to pray for me without hesitation. Her prayer closely mirrored a lot of what I had been praying about in the previous days. Amazing how God listens to everything we say and we don't realize it.


Also, I would like to share something supernatural that happened to me when I was 8-9 years old (now I'm 25). I was alone at one room in my family's house and I remember being afraid I can't remember why, I guess family and financial problems and the thing is I clearly heard a male voice whispering to my ear "Don't be afraid". I was a kid and I wasn't Christian yet nor my family was but I'll never forget that voice it was like nothing I heard before like a very sweet but with authority and even tho I immediately got chills to my spine, I didn't felt scared, it was like some kind of peace I never felt before. No many people believed me, but 7 years later when I accepted Christ everything made sense. I know some supernatural stuff is controversial on church but I do believe in our almighty Father and I know he's capable of everything and his power and love for us is so big that our mind cannot comprehend it. God bless you everyone and thanks for sharing this video.


I've been feeling the Holy Spirit and spiritual warfare!


Thanks Mark! Your videos are so informative. And they hit the nail on the head. Through fasting and prayer, God has been answering a lot of my questions regarding my journey in life. I pray the I will be the woman that he is calling me to be in order to be used as his voice, hands and feet for the furtherance of the Kingdom. Would you stand in agreement with me? Thank you! Keep up the great work. I am indeed listening!


God speaks: examine these questions
- Does the word line up with scripture?

- Does the word line up with the character of God?
- Does the word line up with what God is doing in your life?
- Does your Spirit bear witness with the word?
- There is safety in the multitude of counselors (seek advice from mature Christians)
- Ask God to confirm the word for you
- Will the word produce liberty or bondage?


Another excellent message Brother Mark. God Bless you and Keep you.


The holy spirit is love, peace, joy, harmony and God
