How To Use LTspice, A Free Circuit Simulator

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This tutorial shows how to use LTspice, which is a powerful, open-source circuit simulator. It starts out by drawing a simple circuit with a voltage source, resistor, LED, and ground. A custom model is made for the LED. Next, a full adder is built at the transistor level using NAND logic gates. The full adder is turned into a symbol so a 4-bit calculator can be stimulated. Finally, an astable multivibrator output is simulated and compared to values measured on an oscilloscope and values found using EasyEDA. Both an operating point simulation and a transient simulation will be used.

0:00 Intro
0:53 Make a simple circuit
5:26 Create a custom LED model
9:33 Full adder model
11:29 Turn full adder into a symbol
14:09 Build a 4-bit calculator simulation
17:21 Astable multivibrator transient simulation
19:33 Analyze and compare results
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Absolutely GREAT info on LTSpicve that I never knew was there - THANK YOU!!!! :) :) :)


Love your circuit videos, why don't you post pdf versions of all circuits?


Ok now I want to see your high performance asic with a million gates running at 2 terrahertz.


Using the term wavelength is not like saying time duration. People tend to over use the word wavelength. Where pulse duration, on for, off for, timing pulse, interval, may convey more information. I have come to believe a wave is not real and I stay away from the word. A wave on water is just more water molecules in a give area that are moving base on the counter pressure below the surface. It is an effect of traveling pulses of water density. Of course we know if you throw oil on water the dense at the surface flattens and the troubled water goes away. Density dissipates across the surface. If I were to say the wavelength changes by added oil says little. Watched your whole video, but sorry I have a app that lets me recall your channel without subscribing. YouTube doesn't sort the list, so I don't use their program metrics. The plugin I use is well organized.


Thanks! Recommend any accurate full 4 bit or 8 bit computer simulations in that or another circuit simulator app?


Hi sir
actually i version I have downloaded wont have a option to move a single element to other place . There is no hand symbol which have been using to move a element


Great video I would like to see more beginner video on LTspice.


Hello, i’m looking for analog ic dessign with Ltspice.Thank you.
