How To Use LTspice, A Free Circuit Simulator

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This tutorial shows how to use LTspice, which is a powerful, open-source circuit simulator. It starts out by drawing a simple circuit with a voltage source, resistor, LED, and ground. A custom model is made for the LED. Next, a full adder is built at the transistor level using NAND logic gates. The full adder is turned into a symbol so a 4-bit calculator can be stimulated. Finally, an astable multivibrator output is simulated and compared to values measured on an oscilloscope and values found using EasyEDA. Both an operating point simulation and a transient simulation will be used.
0:00 Intro
0:53 Make a simple circuit
5:26 Create a custom LED model
9:33 Full adder model
11:29 Turn full adder into a symbol
14:09 Build a 4-bit calculator simulation
17:21 Astable multivibrator transient simulation
19:33 Analyze and compare results
0:00 Intro
0:53 Make a simple circuit
5:26 Create a custom LED model
9:33 Full adder model
11:29 Turn full adder into a symbol
14:09 Build a 4-bit calculator simulation
17:21 Astable multivibrator transient simulation
19:33 Analyze and compare results
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