10 Antisocial Behaviors and the Thoughts that Cause Them | Antisocial Personality Disorder

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This video answers the question: Can I identify some of the beliefs and thoughts behind the behavior associated with antisocial personality disorder?

Antisocial Personality Disorder is a Cluster B Personality Disorder
It has seven symptom criteria:
1: Repeated unlawful behaviors
2: Consistent deceitfulness
3: Impulsivity, poor planning
4: Aggressiveness, physical fights
5: Reckless disregard for safety
6: Consistent irresponsibility
7: Lack of remorse

Many have argued that ASPD is technically the most socially destructive personality disorder, mostly because of its relationship to violence and crime. It’s also the costliest financially, in part because the cost to incarcerate criminal offenders, although one can certainly make the argument that NPD can be more costly because of the mismanagement of resources associated with that disorder.

Baliousis, M., Duggan, C., McCarthy, L., Huband, N., & Völlm, B. (2019). Executive function, attention, and memory deficits in antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy. Psychiatry Research, 278, 151–161.

DeLisi, M., Drury, A. J., & Elbert, M. J. (2019). The etiology of antisocial personality disorder: The differential roles of adverse childhood experiences and childhood psychopathology. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 92, 1–6.

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I just stumbled across this by sheer chance when I randomly typed in the Search field "scientifically informed, insider look, at mental health topics".


Something I appreciate about you, Doctor, is that instead of looking _at_ the camera, you look _through_ the camera at the person watching the video. It's a powerful tool for communicating in this kind of pre-recorded fashion.


I really like these “thoughts and beliefs tied to behaviors” videos. I also like how you show how even though two people may be exhibiting the same behavior, the thought/belief motivating the behavior can be very different for different disorders.


Im a bit of a narcissist it takes a lot to admit this but im getting better thanks to your videos Dr Grande. I used to think the world revolved around me and that i was such a gift to the world. Ive learned alot these past months and also dealing with gain and loss teaches you humility.. I hope to let go of these traits that have gotten me nothing in these past 6 years


I finally gained access to my diagnosis history, as Im getting back into psych treatment, and found that I was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, but was never made aware of it previously. In researching ODD, I have found that if left untreated it can manifest into ASPD. Mine was left untreated. The more I study ASPD, the more it explains a lot of my feelings, reactions and life. I think I am going to seek a diagnosis to have better access to treatment. I am so tired of only feeling rage and depression, I would like to be able to not act so impulsively all the time too.


Yes.. I can definitely relate to this. Lying, manipulating, due to environmental factors and seeing that when I was younger, that is what I learned and thought that is what I needed to do to in order to be successful and get ahead in life. Extremely damaging thinking... But over the years, I realized it wasn't benefitting me at all, I saw the damage and pain I was causing the people closest to me.. (even though I didn't care as much as I should, I knew it was wrong..) and I was really conflicted and changed. Change is possible :) but it has to come from within on a visceral level.
I hate that I have done some unforgivable things. I have repented for years and finally am forgiving myself because that in turn caused more suffering and problems in other ways.
Thanks for the informative videos.


I was recently diagnosed with this and even in my early childhood moments I can remember red flags and now it all makes sense even my first grade teacher told my mother to watch me closely it all just makes sense now


I love working completely without contact to anybody. Makes me very efficient, and allows me to not think about personal appearance.
To me, that is a kind of luxury.


I used to be very kind, empathetic, fair, attentive, sensitive and caring. As an adult, I learned by pain that the world is a hostile place for me, most times. I consciously became more like the aspd -type. Worked well, now a lot less pain, could even say none at all. Every time I try to introduce the good personality back, I get poorly hidden social backlash and seem to lose respect from others


The Victim should apologize to Me (the Attacker). I can understand on a purely abstract, intellectual level that some may truly think that way. But my cognitive empathy hits a brick wall. Maybe that limitation of mine isn't such a bad thing.
Great Presentation yet again, Doctor Grande! Quite an education in every installment.
Thank You!


I am not grandiose. I may have been in my earlier years but I do believe I am vulnerable / bpd. As long as I'm not in a relationship I do much better. I can focus on my daughter and really be vigilant and help her to not be disordered in her adult years I've read all of tom bradshaws books and pete walker s books and I'm watching these videos . Going on 7 years without a relationship and I am doing better than I ever have.


Individuals tend to copy the environment they were brought up in. My parents are not social individuals. I had a hard time discovering why it feels awkward and exhausting for me to be in social situations. I always questioned people who want to befriend me, given that I'm not a peoples' person. But the few friends that I have are similar to me and they mean the world for me, because they understand.


This is so insightful. No remorse, no plans for changing, and always l no pre concerned with getting caught instead of just doing the right thing in the first place. Unfair rules do not need to be followed.


Love your videos, Todd. I watch a new one every morning before work (before dealing with a company full of manipulative sociopaths, covert, and overt narcissists).


It's amazing how many of these characteristics fit with a narcissist that I know. Thank you for this clarification because we have always been led to believe that antisocial behavior was just not wanting a be around people. However, this video taught me that it's so much deeper than that.


I dated a diagnosed ASPD. I have diagnosed BPD and wow, was that a trip. But the overlap in Cluster B symptomatology is so strong that for a while, I thought he was BPD as well. The sad part is that he wasn’t receiving treatment for it while I’m receiving treatment for my personality disorder. Needless to say, it didn’t end well.


Wow Doc, very articulate and on point. I'd love to hear you talk about ASPD with occasional waves of short-lived empathy


You don't know how much you're helping people with this depth of explanation. Thank you.


My now 46-year-old son has ASPD and I, his mom, have codependency. He's finishing 9-year prison sentence the end of this year. He started around age 13. It's a harsh reality but I'm thankful for the knowledge.


I love the "thoughts" version you give of these disorders. It makes it easier to know what to look for. 😄😉 It's true! This one seems similar to narcissistic personality disorder with the main theme being _dont put me out in any way or I'll punish you"_ .
Thank you, Dr Grande. 🌹👍
