Selling Puts Options to Become A 👑MILLIONAIRE 👑

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In this video Matt, talks about why selling put options is the best passive income strategy on the internet! Shorting put options allows traders to collect income daily, possibly own an amazing stock, and repeat the process forever. Options decay daily and it is about time we start making money from that decay. So in this video, Matt breaks down this whole option trading strategy and then gives a live example!

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I am literally coming from your own video that says selling calls is a lot better.


the wheel is my primary strategy. IMO its the safest and most consistant method of income in the market. The only problem is when you sel a put, and get assigned, then the stock drops hard. It makes the covered calls not worth much money


Another thing to mention is to look for stocks with liquid and shorter term options such as weekly's. If you were to short a put like in this video, and you get exercised, you can turn around and immediately sell an out of the money covered call beyond your cost basis. Then you can collect a premium from the call side while waiting for the stock to appreciate. I did this with MOMO. I did a cash secured put at support on the chart, and the stock fell slight below that. So I got exercised. I was at a small loss, so I just sold an Out of the Money covered call several times on a weekly basis. Then, the actual stock appreciated and I sold that for a profit.


This is the best way to make money hands down. You didn’t even go over rolling the option which is also a reason this is the best strategy IMO.


Hey Matt, thanks for this great video. But I gotta ask, how do you become a millionaire doing this strategy? From what I can tell you’ll be barely making 1% of your money every week, is that right?


Thanks for the video. I haven’t done put selling in a while and liked your take on it. A tip if you’re assigned. The next week sell 1 week at the money or slightly in the money calls against your newly acquired stock. Hopefully you will be assigned and will collect your call premium.


Typically there is no action deep in or out of the money. You can write contracts all day but it won't be picked up. Please understand where action is via bid/ask. Also, avoid earning and dividend weeks.


Yes you can get rich selling insurance. Ask AIG.

It is the safest way to play the market. You sell puts - in layers preferably. Most of the time it expires and you keep the money. When you get assigned you sell the covered call. It is easy. No charts.


Love your videos. On another video you say covered calls are the best passive income, so which is it?


had no idea it was this simple. this is nuts


Selling puts and calls is the bread and butter of any risk adverse trader.


How would you recommend someone get started in this strategy without that initial $10k capital?


Thanks for sharing this but I just don't like the fact when selling put's it will actually hold funds to cover it as collateral. Fund you could use to make more money on a daily basis.


Writing options is not passive income, it's considered active income as you are putting on trades. In fact no form of equities/derivatives investing or trading falls under passive income, even dividend income is not passive, but portfolio income. Passive income is things like royalties, advertising revenue on websites, etc. To be clear before someone says "it's all semantics", the very reason I'm pointing all this out to people is because under the IRS definitions it is NOT semantics, so it behooves people to know the correct meanings.


I have a question for those who sell covered calls. I sold a put that has a high chance of being exercised. I am ok with that because im just going to sell a covered call at the stike price i had to buy it at, breaking even and just collecting another premium. I noticed that the further out you put the expiration date the more premium you get. Is there a downside to putting an expiration date six months in advance eventhough im going to sell it at the current price of the stock?


sold my first sell call today hope it goes well after the market opens


Good educational video I have been short term selling put and call options for 20 years. The higher the premiums, the higher the risk is why I sell put on good solid companies. Fast forward to Oct. 2022 and the strategy still hold. Funny how you mentioned Zoom which now trades in the low 70's. Since Spring of 2022 I have been selling options on Inverse ETFs and my three trading accounts are doing very well.


Awesome video! Thank you! Why would you sell the stock at the last step rather than start selling covered calls on the shares you own?


QUESTION: I'm seriously considering this strategy of selling puts soon. Do you think it would be wiser to just own TSLA shares OR to sell TSLA put options? I own a lot of TSLA and think long-term the stock will go way up. But I could be making monthly income selling puts and effectively lowering my share price, instead of absorbing the whole loss when it drops.


Best way I explain it is that it's a limit order you get paid for! I see you're getting good premiums as the IV is quite high on Roku! Zoom's market cap is now greater than IBM, and its PE Ratio is almost 600. Play this one now, you have to be careful. Better be well out of the money on your strike. More established companies with a slightly higher IV might be a better bet for this strategy. AAPL, MSFT are ones that come to mind.
