Wrinkle The Duck Runs In Marathon, Wins Medal | Cobrapost

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@CobraPostIndia video of a duck running in a marathon is doing rounds on the internet. Wrinkle, the duck, running in the Long Island Marathon that took place on Sunday as a special guest.She could be seen waddling the course alongside human runners at a considerable speed before going in for the kill at the last stretch to blow past the finish line propelling herself with her wings the duck, is popular for running marathons in New York wearing her little red webbed shoes to tread the concrete roads.

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Seriously, whoever posted this... Grow up. You do not need to put a disclaimer just in case you inadvertently offend someone. Good god that's what's wrong with this country. Who cares! If some little man bun wearing skinny jeans Mama's boy gets offended by a duck running... Trust me, his problem is not with you
