Finding unknown parameters for a binomial distribution (n or p) | Unit 3 and 4 VCE Maths Methods

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This video is aimed at students studying Unit 3 and 4 of VCE Mathematical Methods. This video is part of the topic on Discrete Probability.

This video looks at problems involving the binomial distribution in which one of the parameters (n or p) is unknown. We look at various methods (both with CAS and without) for solving these problems.

My class uses the Cambridge Senior Mathematics textbook for Units 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods for the Australian Curriculum / VCE. The content in this video is covered in Chapter 14 of this textbook.

Throughout the video I make use of the TI Nspire CAS CX II handheld.
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hi, i have a question for the very first one, if it is a two marks question in tech active paper, do will need to still write the step?


hi ive been watching quite a few of your amazing videos is it possible for you to send the pdf of the document
