Jett Lawrence & Austin Forkner Crash Analysis & Injury Update | Arlington Supercross 2022

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I think the 3 race format is great.
The drama builds as the races play out.
Then afterwards victory, heartbreak and all the what if situations.


Wish more were like Tomac and Roczen. And Webb really. They pass others cleanly. No need to take out their front wheel if you can beat them with speed.

Mostly referring bam bam-like passes, not Jett.


I really hope Austin is ok, that was such an unfortunate incident and you could tell Jett was upset about it!


racing is dangerous period, you have a small amount of time to make some very important decisions at speeds we can only have admiration for. Its just racing nothing more, hats off to all who throw the leg over.


Jett's a competitor, and yes, in the end it is his fault, but it wasn't intentional. I give him props for taking responsibility for it and apologizing, which I do believe is sincere.


4:00 needed to be said. When did we forget that motocross is an inherently dangerous sport. Love Jett and Forkner. Hope forkner is ok and back to battling.


Excellent breakdown of Jett’s problem. He does need to “turn it down” a notch or two and not make unnecessary risks.


The whoop section right before the crash was bananas. What a save


Even when It's easy to see and very clear that the tuff block moves, JT's bike it doesn't seems to be kicked off by the tuff block. For me it's one of those huge mistakes by JT18 trying to ride as wide as possible using all the track and preparing himself for next AF33 is ok!


It’s racing, it’s unfortunate that it went down like that, but the spectators are the ones making the split second decisions with their bodies on the line!

If you look at any champion in this sport, they’ve all inadvertently taken someone out at some point in time!
Look at the time Stewart landed on Carmichael in the outdoors as an example.

If he had of pulled off a third place finish from dead last…hero status for sure, plus entire field demoralised and left scratching their heads. Unfortunately for Jett it didn’t go his way that race, and unfortunately Forkner went down just as hard…but a lot of this sport is risk versus reward.


Triple crowns should give 10 points per race win…netting a few more points than your standard win. With bonus points if you sweep all 3. Racing is good, points payout is kinda eh.


Guys are owning their actions, but incidents are continuing to happen by some of the same actors. Jett certainly did not want to take out Forkner, mid air in which they both could have been injured. Just hope Forkner can have a full season. Good racing so far.


Love the triple crown! I hope it never goes away. I also though your analysis on Jett's maturity was spot on. But this is where he becomes more mature. Tell someone why only works sometimes, but when they experience why its a message they carry forever. These are the incidence that make great riders, and I think he. can learn and grow from this and make better decisions in the future, Fun night!


Forkner was collateral damage of Lawrence riding like an idiot all night long.


Love the triple crown format. It's beats watching two hours of battling for gate pick...


Great reporting first of all. GREAT reporting. You really are incredibly good at putting the package together to break down the facts and share it with all of us. So, thank you for that. In terms of the incident last night, stuff like this happens all the time. It's just way more out front in the public consciousness when it's a young kid who is basically the biggest thing to come along since JS7. And speaking of the great one, Jett reminds me a hell of a lot of a young J Stew when he first came on the scene, thinking he had to get out front from the jump, wanting to just destroy the competition to the point of embarrassing them. In the end, Jett will make it through these growing pains, just like James did and he'll be an amazing champion. He comes from a fantastic family who will keep him pointed in the right direction. Aussie moms and dads don't mess around. They got this. As for Forkner, hopefully he'll be okay. That was a tough lick and anyone but a professional athlete would be lying in a hospital bed with multiple serious injuries. But he IS a pro athlete and I kind of feel like he'll be back sooner rather than later. As for a penalty being handed out. PLEASE! Check out some of the Reed/Stewart battles or even further back to the Bob Hannah days. It's a brutal, violent sport. It just is. Let them race.


Paused this and rewind it and sure enough Jett is cross jumping bad, we’ve learned from the day we laid a tire on the track to ride straight keep your line and do not cross jump. I get it things happen in racing but this was a bit much and no matter how many times you say sorry it won’t make it better. Jett even knew it


Man I think full speed it looked terrible but now seeing it slow mo it seems like forkner actually managed to kinda land on his feet and roll just before he slammed, so hopefully that prevents him from having any undetected injury or break in the shoulder/collarbone region


I yelled out loud when that crash happened because it looked really bad for Forkner


I watched this from the stadium and Jett was the fastest through both whoop sections, including the 450s. He was riding like he was trying to eliminate any doubt that he would have beat anyone in the west or the east. I hope Fourkner can return to Daytona, he has had hellish luck.
