Offline PvE Is FINALLY Here! (Full Patch Notes

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i really really like to hear that BSG is actually tuning into what players are actively wanting. the in-game survey framework and QoL changes that have been long requested are awesome starts to getting the game into the state we all want to see it in


The PMC AI moving around the map is a welcome change. I struggled to get the "Kill 6 PMCs in the office area on Factory" for WEEKS.
Did it all in one raid this time as they all came over trying to flank me.


i hope they changed the ai so it actually shoots eachother as well its annoying to see 3 ai pmcs next to a boss and his 3 guards doing nothing until you walk up and all them aggro only to you


They really need to work on optimizing Streets and fixing their AI.

I wouldn't say Streets would be a slideshow, even on a heavily modded SPT I can play Streets at about 30-40fps (yes, thats not a lot realistically, but this is with a fuck ton of mods that, in particular, affect AI behavior, pathfinding, personalities, etc. while also allowing them to roam the entire map and engage each other while looting and questing). Vanilla EFT should easily hit somewhere around 60+ frames with BSGs lackluster Raider-PMCs and other AI. That being said, that is still really low FPS, especially for a SP experience, so they really need to work on optimizing Streets.

If they fixed their AI, and made it as in-depth as a single SPT modder was capable of doing, then the performance hit might be larger, but that would just give even more incentive to optimize Streets. Better AI would also be a very big win for PvP players, since Raiders and Rogues would be more enjoyable to play against and would feel more live-like.


Thank god the whole unheard debacle got Nikita to have a serious wake up call. These consistent meaningful updates are awesome. Finally getting things like wishlist is just really nice and long overdue, really wish he listened more in the past to what people wanted but glad it seems to be happening now.


These are some of the best patch notes in while 🎉🎉🎉❤


PVE mode will be amazing for retaining the playerbase for long enough that they are comfortable jumping to pvp. As it was before players were immediately discouraged while trying to learn


I thought that PvE being hosted locally would be amazing... However, whenever I try to do anything, all I recieve is a "Backend Error: HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout" and it forces me back to the main menu. Can't get into solo raids, only can I join other people's raids.


After the patch if you drop your bag anywhere the ai will start to beeline to it from anywhere on the map and then exfil with it. you cant leave your bag anywhere other than somewhere a bot can't path to it or somewhere you will have eyes on the whole time.


0:55 spt runs fine on streets. Dont know what bsgs excuse is.


7:11 My theory with the LVPO scopes getting increased spawn chance, has to do with the variable zoom option Nikita teased on his personal twitter. Just means that most of these are gonna be preference of min zoom and max zoom, as well as crosshair style. Honestly think Razor 1-6 and Tango6T are gonna stay fan favorites because of their first focal plane crosshair/reticle, but might end up making things like the S&B PM2 3-12x50 more viable for maps like woods or reserve


Great to see scopes not get locked behind everything t4 or higher
Everythings already priced out of beginners availability, giving them ample access to more is good


FPS lost on solo PVE is absolutly not acceptable, it's crazy ! I got a 7800x3D and a 4090 and I lost about 30-40% FPS, running at 40-50 FPS on 2k on Street, it's insane. REVERT THIS PATCH.


PVE seems working perfectly, did single raid, got error after extraction, but before I got into menu.. and all raid and all stuf I did (selling stuff, quests..) was rolled back


When going in as a scav you actually join into a fresh raid, not midway through. That's kind of weird


PVE is no longer working for me now. i cant insure stuff every second item i move between the stash and the PMC will bug out and throw me into the main menu. if i want to insure anything it gateway errors out of it and after that my entire game is cooked --> hideout is completely gone and i cant start a raid.


Hope this works as intended. Offline raids tend to take alot more toll on your pc


I think the reason why scav play still use server is that BSG said they will change scav mechanism to something like randomizing map which inevitably include street.


Me as Brazilian needing to pay a more than half of my salary to play offline ☠🤡


Has anyone else's games been really slow since the patch? I played one raid and things were fine, but when trying to sell to the traders or flea my game gets really slow and i get a bunch of errors, idk if its just me
