Dual Citizenship Issues After Getting U.S. Citizenship

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Not every country allows you to have dual citizenship (being a citizen of two countries). I discuss some of these issues here)

Live Q&A w/ Immigration Lawyer John Khosravi
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#DualCitizenship #USCitizen #Naturalization
#Immigration #Immigrationlaw #Immigrationlawyer

[Question] "Do you know what is OCI -
Overseas Citizenship in India?"
Includip says thank you.
So OCI is, I mean, I'm not an Indian immigration attorney.
But one thing that happens with India is, if you're an Indian
Citizen, you're only allowed to have one Citizenship.
So if you end up applying for U.S. Citizenship, for example
for any other purposes, you lose your Indian Citizenship. But they
have these programs. Now, it's called OCI.
They changed the name a little while ago.
It allows you to be able to come and go to India, even though
you don't have the Citizenship of that country anymore.
So that's something that exists. And people from India, people
from Germany, people from Japan, and a lot of other countries
have to be aware that their countries do not allow Dual Citizenship.
So it's really important that before you file for Naturalization,
before you file for Citizenship, if you want to keep your home
country's passport where you were, or some other country where
you have passport, you got to make sure they accept Dual or
Triple Citizenship. Because if you wanted to retire in
Germany when you get older...I had a client who was filing
for U.S. citizenship, a Japanese gentleman, and the only reason he was
filing for Citizenship was because he thought he had to be a Citizen
to apply for his daughter. And I said, "Well first of all,
no, you don't. You could have filed for the Green Card many
years ago.
You mistakenly..." They had an Immigration attorney
and apparently when they talked to them,
they didn't know this. It's kind of weird. But he said, "Oh I get
to keep my Green Card and apply for my child?" And I and said, "Yes,
you can." And secondly, he was really adamant that he wanted
to keep his Japanese Citizenship.
He was very patriotic and he wanted to go home and retire
there eventually. And I said, "Then don't give up your passport." You don't
need to do that. Just maintain your Japanese passport,
have the U.S.
Green Card, file for your child to get the Green
Card. And then later on in life,
you go back to Japan as a Japanese Citizen and don't have to worry
about this stuff not to give it up just for a Green Card.
So there's a lot of information, lot of that.
Negin on Instagram says, "Can anyone apply for U.S.
Naturalization if they are already a Dual Citizen
of other countries?" Yeah, the U.S.
is not strict on this. It hasn't been, but I'm sure the Trump Administration
will crack down. But there's many people that have Dual
Citizenship to the U.S.
Even Triple Citizenship, the U.S. doesn't care.
Now if those other countries care, I don't know, but the U.S.
itself doesn't care.
At least it hasn't. User 49 says, "Even though the rules
kind of say you're not supposed to, it's never been enforced."
So let's just put it that way.
Рекомендации по теме

Does your country allow Dual, even Triple Citizenship? Which issues have you stumbled upon?

Let me know in the comment section.


No issues! Just help if you can...please


Which passport should a dual citizen(filipino-ameican) use for a visit to the philippines? I heard Philippines does not allow visitors with US passport though.
