Why Skyrim's Update is Causing Problems for Mods and Modlists

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It amazes me at times how well Bethesda grows and expands their ability to colossally f()ck things up.


It's really incredible how Bethesda don't prioritize keeping mods working, given that Skyrim would be dead and forgotten without them.


Looks like Starfield didn't do so well so they went back to their most popular game to milk it even more 😂


I'm convinced Bethesda knew exactly what they were doing with all these code changes. They realize that no one is going to buy mods when there are better free ones out there. Solution? Break all those mods yet again and keep breaking them until most modders that are publishing free mods give up on the game. Presto! Less competition for Bethesda's paid mods.


Imagine seeing your 12 year old game still being played by so many people and only because of mods and you decide to ruin it and make them pay for mods only because youre a greedy company. I am genuinely scared for ES6


The last three times I started playing Skyrim again they updated It after around a week, It’s like they’re watching me


#keepmodsfree - Also, Bethesda needs to leave Skyrim alone. Stop updating and let mod authors cook.


Its like they were annoyed Starfield got such bad reviews so they're punishing the Skyrim community.


Bethesda has shown in just a few years. 1. They dont care about the players. The people who buy their games, pay their salaries, and support their lavish lifestyles(have you seen Todds car and house?)2.They turn their back on Modders after using them for a decade. 3. They exist solely on hype and care about launch sales than making a quality game. This should be the nail in the coffin for them. No more debating it, this is the end of Bethesda.


Bethesda has been possessed by the spirit of Nazeem!
There you are, enjoying your modded playthrough, and suddenly this npc comes up to you and says:
"Do you get to the Creation Club district much?"
. . . . and as he walks off, your game suddenly crashes to desktop!


Imagine creating a fanbase that would play for over 12 years only to make decisions to piss off and drive away that same fanbase, truly an epic achievement


thanks for highlighting how much trouble this 'update' has caused players that many big names on YT have failed to cover or glossed over.


3:38 that actually had me say “WTF” in genuine surprise. Any coder worth their salt knows you don’t just drop new code with some pre-existing code. Makes it hell to debug and more prone to having runtime errors.
Should have just used a modular approach.


I hadn't played skyrim in many many years. About two weeks ago I got the itch. So i spent a few days looking through mods, learned how to mod skyrim as I'd never actually modded skyrim before, and started playing with the goal of exploring parts of the game I just never bothered with before. Then this happens and I updated the game on steam without thinking about it and can no longer even launch the game. GG bethesda, I already was most likely never going to play any future game you made but now you're turning me even more away from the games you made that I already own.


Modding has finally reached a point where you can mostly play on AE 1.6.640 and not really think about the compatibility of your mods. And then this happens. It's not that hard to update the game while NOT breaking the current modding framework. (By framework, I mean essential DLL plugin mods and other various required mods for a decent modlist nowadays.)


As someone that plays on console, I got super excited when I realized there's no longer a 100 mods cap. Then I started to feel I was going crazy thinking I forgot how to mod with how many issues I've been having, but no, Bethesda is somehow just that self-destructive with their most successful game.


The biggest issue is all the mods that are not going to be getting updates as they have been abandoned or otherwise put into retirement as their final versions. This isnt a small update this changes fundamentals that effect how mods must interact with the games files and assets. If one is lucky a mod might get a forked version or patch released by some other mod creator, but even this is far from ideal as it addas another layer of complexity and yet more opportunities for issues to arise. This situation reminds me very much of the ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, which was received a large final update which introduced new bugs and changed aspects of how mods interacted with the game. This broke nearly every large mod (for a game with a big modding scene) long after many of those mods had stopped development and had the teams behind them dissolve. The vast majority were never updated again, thus removing the ability to use nearly all of the most fleshed out and popular ArmA2 mods without running older versions of the game for both client and servers. This also had the added effect of killing of a lot of the modded servers which made a up a bulk of the games remining multiplayer activity.


In short: Bethesda is trying new ways to make all previous mods non-functioning in order to earn money on paid mods.
The result will be that people abandon Skyrim. It's becoming to complicated and frustrating to mod your games. And people do NOT want to pay for mods when they can have them for free via Nexus or other sources. Especially not when Bethesda is trying to choke all other mods than their paid ones. People are also getting tired of constantly having to fix and install their mods again and again every time Bethesda updates or change the game.
After 3355, 9 hours played I finally deleted the game. Time to move on.


I knew when I got the info that the Skyrim would be updated and it would be focused on mods that the party would be over. I immediately set my steam to only update when I launch Skyrim and only doing it through nexus so it never updates.

I've accepted that this might be my final mod run of Skyrim but I'll check the scene out in a few years.


I wonder if Bethesda are trying to push everyone to the latest version by doing all of this. At the same time, it could truly just be laziness, complacency, incompetence, or any combination of such things. Regardless, I think they've shot themselves in the foot here. Mods are the only reason I've played Skyrim since my initial playthrough in its launch year. If Bethesda's games become less and less friendly toward the modding community and the possibilities for what can be done start to dry up, I think that'll eventually bite them in the ass when it comes to sales.
