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God's Word teaches us a doctrine called “believer’s baptism,” which means that God has only designed baptism to be applied to believers.

Believers' baptism started when Jesus Christ said that the way that people were to declare God’s ownership of their lives after they were saved was when they were baptized in His Name.

Jesus included this baptism of believers in the plan for the church.


When Jesus left the disciples with the plan they were to follow, it was simple:

Go, evangelize, baptize & train.

That is the Great Commission. That is God’s plan for Christ's Church. As stated twice (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:16) and illustrated in Acts nine times, it is what God expects us in Christ's Church to do.

Our job is to make disciples; and our motivation is to do that (and everything else), for the glory of God. A simple reading of the commission of Christ and the record of the response of His disciples and the early church would lead us to conclude that:


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Thank you all for sharing you have a blessed day in the name of Jesus Christ.


Your best teaching ever! PRAISE GOD, The Father of our LORD Christ Jesus YES and AMEN


In The LORD Christ Jesus, those that are HIS, LACK NOTHING 🙏 To the praise and glory of GOD! Grace, Mercy, Peace, Righteousness


Mark 10:27
“And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”


The LORD Christ Jesus will not leave or lose a one that The Father has given to Him! ❤


Dr. Barnett, I have been following you for a while. I believe Jesus is coming back soon to rapture His Church. Please remember that there is only one God, the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit) and it’s about a personal relationship, not religion, through Jesus Christ (John 14:6 ESV). God Bless.


Who binds the hands of God? Who knows the spirit of a man but God?
Mark 10:27

“And Jesus looking upon them saith,  With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”


1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest THE CROSS of Christ be emptied of its power. Our instructions on how we are saved was given to Paul, and no where does Paul instruct us to be baptized. His instructions is to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ to be saved. Water baptism was a shadow of what was to come, THERE IS NOW ONE BAPTISM, that is the baptism unto Christ death.


i left the catholic system thru the Holy Spirit opening my eyes...i am not water baptized and never will be....i am saved already.


Yes you should be baptized but being baptized is not going to get you to heaven, and not being baptized is not going to send you to hell, repentance, accepting jesus christ as your lord and savior


Can you imagine how many lives would be canceled out because they were never water baptized? So many in the nursing homes and hospitals that finally believed because they were near death and were truly repentant and sincerely believed? People who were saved but were in fatal accidents, or bed ridden. And many others i didn'teven mention. Incredible that some say that you have to be water baptized OR ELSE...LOL


Your prejudice against the Catholic Church really shows in this teaching... When a family is baptized it's common sense to assume that they had children there.. do you think Jesus would excuse children out of being baptized? Because they can't evangelize at a young age? Your lack of common Sense... Just shows your disregard for the word of God... You're trying to say every Catholic or anyone else meaning any other denomination, that got baptized as a baby it didn't count? Wow.... When a person is baptized their family members as they grow older Minister the word of God at a young age.. I knew the Lord's prayer at the age of three and could recite it by heart.... And me being a child reciting the Lord's prayer by heart I taught other children my age How do you think someone becomes a disciple it starts at And the thief on the cross was baptized or he never would have entered Paradise.... Just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it was not Or the thief who repented of his sin.. and was forgiven for what his sin was which was being a Would have never entered the We were raised in the word of God properly and did the will of God is what you don't get.... And you're saying that those people that are baptized as babies do not count it's something else ?that's blasphemy, .... And an arrogance and a doctrine of man which is you a man... Not of the will of God... And did you also forget when we are water baptized we receive God's seal Romans chapter Romans chapter 6 verses 3 and 4 and Colossians chapter 2 verses 11 to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13....
2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30.... Romans chapter 8 verse 9.... Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through Acts chapter 2 verse 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 19... It is the will of God !!! go back to where Jesus was baptized... Revelation chapter 9 verse 4... Those that don't have the seal of God on them will be chastise by demons.... Doesn't mention that Mary the mother of Jesus wasn't baptized but common sense says she Why do you not think with common sense... After you are water baptized you receive the gift of the holy Ghost and that was after Jesus resurrected from the Then they were baptized with the holy Ghost the fire... And all 3000 people in the book of Acts..that day that were not water baptized and when the outpouring of jesus's Spirit came when he resurrected poured out on them they started speaking in tongues and prophesying then Peter told them the holy Ghost said you must be water baptized and you must break bread meaning eat of his flesh and drink of his blood to have life in you have to do that every day... How dare you conclude that there's something else happening to all those churches that you mentioned I rebuke you in Jesus Christ name... You arrogant man. Children must be water baptized or they will not enter the kingdom... You are in danger of the fire of hell.. and the thief on the cross was water baptized or he never would have entered Paradise with Jesus... If he wasn't water baptized that would make Jesus a liar you have no common sense you're an arrogant man that's all you are.


All of Israel was baptized by John and his disciples before the word was ever preached, Jesus himself said you have to be born of water and spirit, salvation to those who are purified and believe. Baptist John gave water, and Jesus gave the spirit, which was from the Father. What makes you people so much better than Emmanuel Jesus that you do not have to be baptized but he and his disciples and all others had to be? You are not added to the Church unless you are baptized with water 1 Corinthians 12:13. Even in Acts 8:15-16 shows you do not receive your spirit unless you are baptized. Reminder, Paul did not baptize, so reading his scriptures and believing is not baptism, you must be sanctified and believe 2 Thessalonians 2:13 and you are not born of Blood but water John 1:12-13, John 2:6 purifying of the Jews, John 3:5-6 born of water, even Moses purified the Levites so they could receive his spirit Numbers 8:6-7, 11:25 even the dead were baptized unto Moses 1 Corinthians 10:1-2, 15:29 No water baptism no salvation God bless your Prince Michael


No verse of scripture says that being saved means God opened your eyes.
