Extreme Life in the World's Coldest City (-65 Degrees)

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This video was shot 3 weeks before the invasion of Ukraine. I do NOT support this war, and my thoughts go out to our friends in Ukraine. We love you.

Welcome to YAKUTSK, (SIBERIA) - AKA the WORLD'S COLDEST CITY. More than 300,000 people live here, where winter temperatures (like right now) reach as low as -55 Celsius.

I went to Yakutsk a few weeks ago with my good friend Ammar from @YesTheory. The city is so remote that we had to take a 9-hour domestic flight from Moscow to get there.

As soon as we arrived in this cold winter wonderland, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Completely frozen trees, frozen pipelines, frozen cars… frozen everything!! But underneath the layers of jackets are extremely friendly faces and warm smiles. And that’s what I came here to learn about - humanity. Who are the Yakutian people? How do they survive these brutally cold winters?

This video takes you on a 4-day journey through the world’s coldest city - Yakutsk. I think you will be quite surprised to discover that Yakutsk is actually a normal city, just like anywhere else. It just happens to be extremely cold!

Thank you to my local friends Maria #1 and Maria #2 (from @LifeinYakutia) for showing me around! And thanks to Andrey for the awesome work behind the camera. And thank YOU so much for watching — this video is really special to me and many long hours of work have gone into it.

Have a great Sunday and I’ll see you next week.

#cold #freezing #travel


👨🏻‍🦰 WHO AM I?
I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it's the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!



*Some of the links or other products that appear on this video are from companies which I earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
Рекомендации по теме

After a long internal debate, I decided to proceed with sharing this video. It was shot 3 weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine. I am disgusted by Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and I do not support this war. Thoughts going out to all of our friends and loved ones in Ukraine.

This story is one that I have been planning to tell for 5 years and I’m really excited to finally share the beautiful life in Yakutsk - the World’s Coldest City. Thank you for watching and I look forward to reading your comments ❤️


It's so crazy how Drew could always avoid conflicts. He avoided the bombings in Afghanistan, the Venezuelan crisis, and now the Ukrainian war. Good luck and stay safe!


It’s just crazy to think how high of a population there is at Yakutsk. I would expect such a cold place to be completely remote


They charged you for ketchup because you went to burger king and asked for a big mac 🤣🤣


*Yakutian and Russian people are a very warm and friendly people. Saying hello from the Philippines.. Praying for world peace...*


I love the dynamic of Drew asking them how they survive the cold and them insisting it’s warm today.


Heating Drew saying Bismillah before entering the water warms my heart May Allah bless you and keep showing us these amazing places


My great grandfather was the last Governor General of the Russian far east. He translated the native languages into Russian as well as map that region. He would be thrilled if he was alive to see your joyous travels and your deep respect for the people of the region. Just awesome!


Hi, Drew
I am actually a Yakutian and the video you made is brilliant! As I was watching I kept smiling from ear to ear.
Thank you for sharing your experience in Yakutsk!

Btw the polar plunge was crazy, i cant even imagine what it feels like


Imagine the people there appreciating the warmth inside their house! 😍


Hi Drew! Yakutsk sounds very interesting to go to. Russia is one of my favorite countries, and I can’t wait to visit the country in the future. When the current conflict is over, I’ll definitely come visit! 🇷🇺🇷🇺


Russia is genuinely one of the most incredible countries on the planet
Shame about the government


I’ve experienced -40C living in the interior of Canada, and I can tell you, it’s no joke.


The fact that we get free travel documentaries on YouTube by Drew Binsky is truly a gift 👍


When I traveled to Istanbul, I asked my guide what the Turkish people thought of Americans.

He told me that his people understood the distinction between the American people and the American government.

I must remind myself of that wisdom when I think of the Russians. Not all Russians support this atrocity. Putin stands on his own.

Thank you for your videos that show us the beauty of all people from all cultures independent of government.


I hope Yakutsk is able to grow and prosper, it's such a beautiful region!


I love that you and Amar from Yes Theory are in this video together! What an amazing and exciting collaboration!


This is what life is about!!! ✌🏼❤️🔥🌎 Not all the BS on the news. ☺️ Thank you as always Drew!

From Albuquerque, New Mexico 🇺🇸


Out of all your travels and vloggings this is the best for me.
What a place, what a journey, and how friendly these people are.
Looks most peaceful and calm place.
Thanks Drew for bringing this beautiful lifestyle of yakutsks to us
Your hardwork will educate most of
Us in the world.
Safe and happy journey
Much Love from Srilanka


Drew, I am Canadian, and it's winter here. Please visit Canada's cold cities like Iqaluit, Yellowknife, Fort McMurray or even the Capital City, Ottawa.
