Thom Hartmann: Hidden History of Big Brother in America

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Very informative, and alarming. Great show.


I experienced ads for things I thought of only.


This makes the meaning of private property in law suspect. Or do very wealthy people have the right to use the world as their outhouse?


Even if you turn off location feature on your phone, they still know where you are.


Excellent! I learned something important! Thanks.


" ... our colleague ... Cenk ..." I implore you to reconsider the wisdom of that statement.


Objective TRUTH, honesty, integrity - the "better angels of human nature"- MUST prevail. Otherwise, none of this thing we call "life" really matters, does it?


Rice people are out raged that they are being surveilled. LMAO


After 73 years of life, and after traveling around most of the Earth and the Arctic and Antarctic as a Merchant Marine 2nd officer/navigator I am here to say that humans really do not deserve this planet. If we homo sapiens had not evolved into Earth's biosphere about 200, 000 years ago the Earth itself would resemble the proverbial Garden of Eden today! Since our arrival, we have done everything imaginable to kill, defile, pollute, burn, ravage, decimate and brutalize our surroundings - and each other. Considering the fact that life on Earth proceeded quite nicely UNTIL we humans arrived, I feel it is reasonable to conclude that humans are inimical to life itself. We are in the process of destroying ALL LIFE ON EARTH. That is one hell of an epitaph, no?


IoT Internet of Things. Your microwave must come with a camera and be integrated into your home security app. You can monitor your microwave away from home via the app installed on your phone. But that is available to other people as well. You do not have legal rights at any point due to the AUP and EULA that you agreed to from the beginning. Soon all your PHI and PII will be opensource information, available to anyone who wants it. We have not got to the point where people like Elon Musk actually put a microchip in your head. Think you used to be tracked and monitored via your mobile phone and the 10-digit grid the phone gives off. But with one Elon's chips in your head that can be done more directly. Just like Johnny Mnemonic! Or maybe along the lines of the Gamer movie; high-tech slavery! I almost forgot; it came out very recently that Musk's Organization killed a bunch of monkeys in lab messing around with those brain chips.


US democracy? This is the land of doublespeak. Do the conversion, when we say free, we mean free to incarcerate and enslave. Freedom isn't part of what is meant "here".


Did you just sat adrenochrome? You know that doesn't exist except in the minds of conspiracy theorists correct?


One problem here is also that guys like you, who are too old to be a digital native, and I do not mean some kids, who use it, that you do not understand that you need something which is described as "brain 2.0". So you do not use an ad blocker, lke ublockorigin, no Tor, no VPN, no different browser, or OS etc. because you are American and want to see some of the ads and use google, Apple or Microsoft like everybody else. You spread everywhere your real address data and then wonder, why some shady companies buy your address to send you spam and so on. Part of it is also the culture in the US and world twards this. Only in certain bubbles i.e. cypher punks there is more awareness and they the also konw the most about this, because they play with these systems and machines. Guys, you are really old! ;-) which also means, you do not need to waste your time with some of this, if you dont want. I understand that. These ideas Thom is talking about come from the European and US cypher punks organisations, like CCC or EFF - and in part of the intelligence community of states.


Thom Hartmann, once again your implied separation between corporate interests and government interests are telling. Just as I have naively relied on you to to be objective about the specious Republican/Democrat political dichotomy that we are subjected to daily, you seem to disavow the marriage of government and big business. Say it ain't so, Thom!
