Demonic Objects That You Might Own (Part 2) #shorts #newage #occult #occultist #fyp #yt

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Demonic Objects That You Might Own (Part 2) #shorts #newage #occult #occultist #fyp #yt
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I had a ex that gave me an “all seeing eye” glass trinket . I was wary but thought hey its just glass… i was wrong everything changed for the worse! After i was recovering from a failed relationship and her turning to drugs i still had it in my car.

Things weren’t as happy but i ended up blessing a bullet took it and the eye out to a field and had target practice. I ended up finding the love of my life who turned into my wife within the next year.


A geode, crystal or any rock formation is a beautiful creation made by God himself. As long as you don't use it for some occult practice it does not need to be destroyed. Anything that anyone gives you could have a negative Spirit attached if they will it so. Even if I buy something used from Goodwill I clean it thoroughly and then give thanks to the Lord for my frugal purchase. The same with a gift, just clean it and thank the Lord for the gift!


My mom is a senior and not well. When I came home to help care for her one of the first things I did was burn her tarot guide. She had it for decades but had not made use of it lately. I chucked it in the wood stove. A few weeks later, that stupid book was right back on the shelf again. I swear to you this is true. I burned it AGAIN and said a little prayer. It hasn't and will never reappear.


Don’t forget cellphones, computers and televisions; They’re all made with crystals (green flat thing inside all of these electronics). Crystals are neutral until intent is projected onto them.


Aaron had 12 birthstones on his breastplate.


Wow Holy Spirit is moving today! I just made a video about cleaning your house of these demonic objects too. Praise Jesus!!! I hope people will hear the warnings!


“Occult” simply means “knowledge that is hidden.” The occult can be either good or bad. However, when most think of the occult they think only in terms of evil and darkness.


Crystals are pretty. God made them for our enjoyment. The New Jerusalem will be built with them! But we are not to use them for any spiritual reason at all!


Jesus H. Christ you people are nuts....


Man This Sound Like The Cave man Destroying a Time Machine.. 💻☠️🎮


To all the mockers and scoffers: he did not say that all crystals are bad. He did not say to burn everything.
God has led me to get rid of certain items in my home. We aren’t all knowing but God is. And for those of us that have a relationship with Christ, He speaks to us and leads us. He knows which objects are wicked and wants any curses related to the object to be removed from us by removing the object from our home.
Same idea with eating well, Christ wants to heal us, but He also leads us to eat well (those who will listen), so that our body and mind will benefit and not be under the bondage of chemicals and toxins etc. it’s the same in every aspect of life, if you submit all to Christ, He leads you in the way that will be best for you out of love for you.


as a health professional I purchased the medical sign with the snake, nooo The Lord spoke to me & that thing was thrown out...


I had brought back a real antique wooden ceremonial mask from Africa. This one wasn't a knock off for the tourist trade. YHVH laid it on my heart some time later that it was not what should be in my home. I burnt it. I don't know if it had had an impact or not, but still it is clear in scripture that we should not have such things.


Seriously? Wow spiritual fearmongering.


I am Christian and agree that some people on the dark side use crystals and stones for bad. They can also be good. They were made by God. Remember, the high priest in the Old Testament wore a breastplate with 12 stones that represented the 12 tribes of Israel. He was working in the Holy of Holies in the temple. This is the most sacred part of the temple. The scriptures tell you the names of each of these stones.


DUDE ok get this, there's a tomb in a cemetary in NC in New Bern where you can see inside and someone's skull is just laying there right. so im showing it to my friends one day and someone had left a set of small crystals at the tomb. i made the mistake of touching one and let me tell you, ok i did not keep it i only touched it i picked it up, looked at it, and put it back. 2 hours later i was in the ER with stomach pain so severe i was vomiting. doctors (surprise surprise) had no idea what was wrong with me. by the end of my visit the pain subsided and i was able to go home end of story. Friends, that was absolutely a demonic attack. i am and always have been very healthy and ate nothing out of the ordinary that day or the day before. if u find stones in a graveyard, DONT TOUCH. God only knows what would have happened to me had i kept it...


This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of scripture. The objects didn't have power and they weren't cursed. It was the action of disobedience to God and clinging to earthly ideas about power by holding onto items from their enemies that drove a rift into the relationship between God and Israel. God didn't allow them to win their battles or to settle because they were relying on things other than him. Read the Bible and stop spreading harmful superstition.


I really immediately burned my crucifix and burned The Bible that I had they gave me. Because God gave man the word... The devil organized it and he called it religion. How do we know that you're not to devil himself.


That crystal energy crap is the enemy trying to deceive you.


Anything can be an idol! Pokemon cards in the 90s was the thing my brothers and I were Idolizing & my dad was a salesman. Zero sales for 3 months. We burned the pokemon cards the next day my dad had like 2 months of sales in like 1
