The 1918 Spanish Flu—A Conspiracy of Silence | Part 1 of 3

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The 1918 Flu killed more people than both World Wars, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War combined—so why don't we talk about it more? This deadly disease took nearly 700,000 American lives and an estimated 50 million total. Break out your map and track this viral spread from Kansas to Europe and back.

This video is episode 11 from the series Mysteries of the Microscopic World, presented by Bruce Fleury

0:00 The Absolute Mystery of the 1918 Spanish Flu
3:20 Time Travel to the Summer of 1918
4:06 Spanish Depopulation: First Known Pandemic of 1580
4:57 Fingers Point at Haskell County, Kansas for Patient 0
5:44 The Flu Seemingly Stops, But the War Must Go On
7:05 British Doctors Deny the Flu Exists
8:30 Soldiers Mutiny Over Influenza
9:40 Leviathan Ship Begins the Trend of Mass Infection
11:07 How Warships and Trenches Create a Savage Flu
11:50 The Anatomy and Function of a Virus
13:55 How the Immune System Recognizes Cells
14:43 How Viral Outbreaks Begin
15:20 H Spikes Are the Secret Weapons of this Deadly Virus
18:53 How a Mild Flu Becomes a Pandemic
19:05 Virus MutationDefies Immune System
21:12 Antigenic Shifts Cause the Second Wave in 1918
23:09 John Oxford Blames Hospital in Etaples, France
23:51 Extreme Symptoms of the Flu Generate Confusion
25:46 Second Wave Causes Secondary Lung Infections
26:08 Military Statistics Show Massive Flu Casualties
27:01 How 1918 Flu Differs From Other Pandemics


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Рекомендации по теме

I purchased an old farm home place with a family cemetery on the property. The number of headstones dated 1918-19 gives a subtle reminder of what even rural people were experiencing during that time period.


This was a very good lecture. Very sorry to read that Dr. Fleury passed away just this past February. RIP.


I am becoming a Spanish Flu junkie, reading and watching so much on it. It’s interesting how as much technological advancements we made, we still repeat many of the mistakes.


Great series!! This professor is great. I would go to all of his lectures. I’m a retired physician but he taught me a lot. Knowledge beats fear all day long. Thanks for all your work!!


I was interested in who Bruce Fleury was, so I looked him up, only to be shocked and saddened when I found out he had passed away earlier this year.
He certainly seemed like an intelligent, thoughtful person. He will be missed. RIP Dr. Fleury.


My grandmother was also a survivor of the Spanish flu she was 20 and normally very healthy. Only now I realise how horrific it was. No-one ever talked about it at home until now, I guess it was such an horrific experience that people wanted to forget about it; it should be taught in schools, this is a major disaster and no-one should forget about! My mother told me that my grandfather did not catch it and he nursed my grandmother until she recovered, it took her weeks to be able to stand and walk again. She was lucky.


Everybody should be watching this documentary.


My grandmother lost her fiancé when he came back from Europe with the “Spanish Flu” after the Armistice. She married him anyway & nursed him until he finally died. She would never talk about it afterward. I didn’t learn about this incident about her life until she was dying in 1983.


I believe the 1918 flu should be required to be taught in school so that something like the coronavirus doesn’t happen again and vice versa


Voltaire said "history never repeats itself. Man always does"


I have watched MANY documentaries on the 1918 flu (I have an infectious disease facination), and very few have brought it to life like this host. Brilliant.


Thank you for posting this. My mom told me that my great grandpa was alive during the pandemic and would tell her stories about it. Mainly stories about horse and buggies traveling through town loaded with coffins. I knew this was bad but never this bad.


I don't know where he gets his numbers from. Wondrium's course on the Black Death puts it thus:
"The Spanish flu is considered staggeringly devastating because it killed between 3–5 percent of the world’s population. Consider this, though: During its peak in the UK, for every 1, 000 people there were 25 deaths. Now think of the Black Death: For every 1, 000 people there were 500 deaths. There is no comparison."


Why aren't we hearing about Rockefellers part in the 1918 influenza outbreak that started in Kansas?


Who else is here enduring the story to just find facts?


Who's here due to Coronavirus ..?


Thank you. I have been told history always repeats itself when the world forgets.


I love how they shot this like its the early 90s lol nice retro feel to it


Beautiful clear speaking voice. I didn't even need the subtitles.


Who is watching this while locked down in their house due to a Coronavirus?
