Faith & Works - American Gospel: Christ Alone

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Amen Perhaps the biggest lie Satan peddles to those who already profess to know Christ is that there is something more that must accompany faith in Christ to gain salvation of your soul. His deception whispers that faith alone isn't enough for salvation, that some additional act or good works are required. This lie twists the truth, making our actions the root of redemption and leaving us trapped in a cycle of self-salvation. But Scripture clarifies: good works are not the root, but the fruit! Faith in Jesus is the sole foundation of our salvation. It's only after this regeneration which simultaneously transforms our hearts to submit to His lordship, that good works begin to blossom. They flow naturally from a heart transformed by Christ's love, a heart that now desires to please and obey Him.


The Holy Spirit is given as a seal at the moment of faith. Ephesians 1:13
It is the Holy Spirit in us that produces good works Galatians 5:22
At faith we are new creations made in Christ for good works that God prepared for us to do. He prepared them and he helps us do them with the Spirit who guarantees our salvation Ephesians 1:14, 2:10


This was good, and so true! People forget about the thief on the cross beside Jesus. He believed that Christ was the Messiah(faith)... and he went to paradise that very day(no stop-over in purgatory for his lack of "good works.")


Works are made good by the merits of Christ, our Lord, so that the
works of men may become acceptable to the eternal Father. But
those who neglect good works and rely soley on faith can by no
means expect to apply to themselves the good works of Christ;
for they have in themselves nothing that can be perfected by the
works of Christ, but only such things as deserve condemnation.


I had a dream one day that applies to this. where I was in this large field and there were black horses and white horses. These horses (that represented both extremes) works (black horse) and white horse (hyper grace) these horses started flying in circle around this Christmas tree. There was light coming from each side that migrated into the center of this tree and became the light bulbs that made it look like a Christmas tree. As they were circling, they started fighting each other. There was no blood involved in the fighting, they were all trying to keep each other from getting to the center. And then the Christmas tree started burning down and it turned into a grave stone. The fighting stopped and we all turned into people and we had no contention one with another. We were all just looking at this grave stone trying to figure out what it meant! Some people understood better than others. But we all had to leave and climb up the same mountain. And we knew that when we did we couldn’t look back to this animalistic world. There was no winning side to this battle. It just ended when the Christmas tree burnt down. I believe that there will come a time in everyone’s lives when we realize that no matter how strong our faith is, faith alone cannot bring us to the holiest of Holies. And works alone cannot bring us to the holiest of Holies. I think where people get confused is that everyone can be “saved” when the believe on Christ. But saved from what? And saved into what level of heaven?

Matthew 13:33 “Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.”

There are 3 measures of meal which represents the 3 degrees of glory or heaven that one person can obtain. It’s simple. We can inherent the highest by keeping the commandments on the third level. The lowest by keeping the commandments on the first level. What are these levels? The lowest glory differs from that of the higher like the stars differ in glory from that of the moon and sun. Each in higher dominion in power and principality. Here is a simple way to put it.

Lowest level: You can be honorable and a good person and still think of yourself more than you think of others. You can still have faith in God and Jesus and the cross but still think of yourselves as higher than others.

The second highest glory: you think of others equal to yourself. You spend just as much time serving others as you would yourself.

The 3rd and highest degree: you think of others higher than you think of yourself. You spend more time furthering Gods work and kingdom than you would furthering your own life.

These are just examples but not all in entirety

God is so good that he does not force you to be a part of any work greater than that you are comfortable with! So he had works mixed with faith unto the salvation in whichever degree YOU choose! Yet, we ALL will eventually get to the point when we realize that we ALL must climb the same mountain in that we all must (not look back) to the animalistic world that we live in!

Salvation is deliverance from the consequences of sin. So you and all the others that wish to live in a materialistic world can indeed be “saved” into a materialistic after life. Etc etc. but the higher the kingdom and the more “Christ-like” you choose to become will be more and more closer to the “3rd heaven!” Or the holiest of Holies.


But the question is, how do I know if I’m actually showing fruit?


Last time I checked 'we are justified by works and not by faith alone' James 2:24

Faith and Works are integrated together in salvation. Instead of one proceeding from the other


Well it starts with faith you should believed first in Jesus then when you believed in him you will be save and as you believe in him you will act accordingly base on his teachings. Many will say they believed in Jesus but do the exact contradiction of his teaching well you have fake faith in him if you are contradicting his teachings beacuse if you really have faith or beleives in someone or something then you will act in accordance to that so it is true that the root is faith then the fruit is works. There are people you is doing good but for the sake of their own fame and recognization then that works is dead so not all who do good works will be save by work the work must be rooted in faith in the name of Jesus.


How would you respond to the use of Colossians 1v24 to works being addition to Christ?


This video seems to miss the mark in my view.

It presents the Roman view as: faith + works = salvation - that's clearly wrong.
It presents the "Biblical" view as: faith = salvation + works, but that also seems wrong to me

Note that "=" is read as "produces" in the video so it doesn't have the reflexive property.

It seems to me that the original Protestant view (and the actual Biblical view if I can beg the question like the video does) is: salvation = faith + works (+ other blessings). That is, it is God's act of salvation that produces both the faith and the works in the person God saves.

That seems to be what Jn 6: 29 and Heb 12: 2 say. That's why the 5 solas include *salvation* by grace alone and *justification* by faith alone, and not _salvation by faith_ alone as if man earns his salvation through producing faith and selling it to God in exchange for something. "Salvation *by* faith alone" is a common misrendering of faith alone that I argue ends up turning faith itself into a work.

The gift of salvation is by grace through faith created for good works (to shorthand Eph 2: 8-10). For the one God saves, God also produces the faith and produces the works (and a whole host of other blessings).


If works play no part in our salvation then you can't judge salvation by works, nor can works be the basis of assurance of salvation. .

You then get into the trap: what works are sufficient evidence? How many? What if you plateau? Once you are at that point, then you're trying to justify your salvation by your works and then you're doing what the Pharisees actually did per Matthew 15 & 23, and Luke 7 & 18.

The problem is that there is no logical difference between saying A is required to attain B and saying that A is a necessary result of B. Either way, if there's no A, there is no B. Now replace "A" with "works" and "B" with "salvation. This video is still teaching that works are the basis for salvation because if there are no works, there's no salvation.


you could listen to this guy or you could just read James 2:24-26


They use James 2:26 "clarify" the verse, but they don't mention James 2:24 "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." Ironically the only time in the bible that you will find "faith alone", its refuting faith alone. Faith and works is not just a roman catholic teaching, its a teaching of scripture, of the early christians, of the early church. This documentary was okay at best in my opinion, but they just straight up life about the catholic church in some points and misrepresent. But at the end of the day, it is not by faith alone that we are justified, this is a protestant machination and is one of the earliest heresies to be condemned.


Scripture says
Faith - Works = Death

"More Biblical Interpretation" Is not changing the formula to fit your philosophy.

James 2:24-26
So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone. Rahab the prostitute is another example. She was shown to be right with God by her actions when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road. Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.

Wrestle your own salvation means this stuff is hard work. Jesus talking salvation to those He ministered to was never a magic prayer.


I am Catholic. This is not what we believe. Full stop


You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Please show me two men in each century since 33 AD who believed what you are saying. You can’t.


The Catholic Church does not now, nor has it ever, taught a doctrine of salvation by works…that we can “work” our way into Heaven. Additionally, nowhere in the Bible does it teach that we are saved by “faith alone.” The only place in all of Scripture where the phrase “faith alone” appears is in James 2:24, where it says that we are not justified (or saved) by faith alone. The Bible says very clearly that we are not saved by faith alone.Works do have something to do with our salvation. Numerous passages in the New Testament that I know of about judgment says we will be judged by our works, not by whether or not we have faith alone. We see this in Romans 2, Matthew 15 and 16, 1 Peter 1, Revelation 20 and 22, 2 Corinthians 5, and many, many more verses. If we are saved by faith alone, why does 1 Corinthians 13:13 say that love is greater than faith? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? As Catholics we believe that we are saved by God’s grace alone. We can do nothing, apart from God’s grace, to receive the free gift of salvation. We also believe, however, that we have to respond to God’s grace. Protestants believe that, too. However, many Protestants believe that the only response necessary is an act of faith; whereas, Catholics believe a response of faith and works is necessary…or, as the Bible puts it in Galatians 5:6, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumsion is of any avail, but faith working through love…” Faith working through love…just as the Church teaches.


This is false. Nowhere in the entire Bible does it teach that faith alone equal salvation. That is a lie from misunderstanding and misinterpreting scripture like Romans 3, Romans 4, and also Ephesians 2:8-9. These passages are perverted and misinterpreted to make it say faith alone when it does not. Salvation has always been by faith and works whereas they work together to result in salvation in the end.


Christ be with you
sorry that is not true.
The Catholic Church teaches that it is love that is our Salvation.
Gods love paid for our sins (John 3:16-21)
Our Love creates a dwelling place for Christ and his Father for them to abide in us (John 14:20-24)
Without Christ we do not have eternal life for he is life (1 John 5:11-13)

protestant suggest faith produces works but this is not true fros scripture tells us we must battle temptation (James 1:12-16) the flesh (gal 5:17) and the world (1 John 32:15-17)
St Paul tells us that eternal life is a gift we receive at the end of a life of righteousness having rejected sin. (rom 6:15-23)
I do not know why they twist his words to mean something different but the result will be their destruction (2 Peter 3:15-16)

God bless you
