Kid born to teen mom’s how different is your life compared to other kids?

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Kid born to teen mom’s how different is your life compared to other kids?
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Woman who gave birth to me and my dad were 17. When I was 6 she told me “you ruined my life and I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance. You should have been at the bottom of a trash can” my dad worked long hours so the abuse I reported happened days prior to me getting the chance to say anything. It was always I was misbehaving and always a justification for it. It wasn’t until I was in middle school, about age 11, that she finally went too far and hit me with a metal spatula cutting my hand open and giving me nerve damage. My dad got home that day from work around midnight (my dad worked in warehouses with strange hours sometimes even 16 hour days) and when he saw me bandaged up it finally clicked. He took me to the hospital where I got 10 stitches. When we got back to the house and walked in everything was dark so we started turning the lights on. When I got to my room she was sitting there in the dark looking at the wall in a sofa chair I had in there. She turned around and got up. She hugged me and spoke into my ear “I forgive you because I know it’s not your fault” I told her to never touch me again. It’s been 14 years since last contact with that woman and I haven’t missed a damn thing. The only mother I’ve ever known has been my paternal grandmother and to this day she is the only one I celebrate on Mother’s Day.


My mother had me when she was sixteen, having been the victim of my biological father. She raised me as a single mother for most of my life, busting her ass through college, multiple jobs, and two failed marriages in order to support us. Our relationship, despite her being my mother and I being her son, is more akin to an older sister/younger brother dynamic. I feel treated more as an equal to her. We even geek out over similar things, but not in the way a typical mother and son would. It's strange, but nice.


Hell. Blamed me for ruining her life. Her new boyfriend after my dad left her when i was 2 was abusive and she would defend him and his kids instead. Children should not be allowed to raise children. I wouldn't wish my upbringing on anyone.


My mom had me when she was 18 and in my experience, she was hardworking. We had to live in a dangerous apartment complex but my mom was still able to graduate from college while taking care of me. She also had to deal with my dad because when i was little, i would always see them argue. Now I'm in High School, and now i have a little brother. My mom got married but soon divorced because my ex-stepdad was being a bad husband. My mom now works at my highschool and it's not a normal highschool. It is a charter school and i enjoy it. I definitely look up to her as a hardworking person.


My mom got preggers at 13 and had me at 14, safe to say I know no one like me. All of the other moms are in their late 30s or early 40s–some even older–and my mom is barely going to be 32 this year. I grew up thinking most of my life was normal until around middle school when everyone's mom was 37 and mine was 27–28.


Mom had us (twins) at 19. She didn't have good support/had not great parents. She had very bad mental health issues. I was heavily neglected. She did get better as I got older but being stuck in a toxic environment was bad for us all. I still love her, even if I'm bitter.

I believe teen parents can be good. But they have to have a lot of support as they are still children. Therapy also will be important no matter the situation.


All I see is people praising people who had teen pregnancies but most of the time those kids were raised horribly and unfairly


My mom had me at 17, she dropped out of school and later married my dead beat Stepfather who abused me mentally and neglected me. He cheated on my mom with 15 different women she forgave him every time for "my sake". (She knew how he treated me, she did not care a single bit.) Divorced him when I was 17 teen. And is since then living here teenage years out. Breaks rules she made badmouthing me to everyon etelling them how mutch better here live would ne without me usw. While I do all the chores, go to uni and work.


My mum had me at 17, we moved countries when she was almost 19 and I was about 18 months. We moved from Russia to Germany as in the 90s the economy in Russia was pretty shit and we got the chance to move to Germany as both my parents were partially German which by extension made me partially German. My parents wanting a better life took that chance. I grew up pretty normal. Had a pretty normal childhood. My childhood was spent in poverty but I have mostly happy memories of my childhood. When I was a teen my peers sometimes thought my mum was my sister. Even those that I've previously told I'm an only child haha. My mum was always like the youngest mum among the mums of all my classmates. My mum told me how she told coworkers at her last job that she had a 16-year-old daughter (my mum was 33 when she started at that job) and they were most shocked about the fact that my dad was still in the picture at that point. Now I'm 26 (have no kids atm but planning to in the future), my mum is 43 about to be 44 and my dad is 50. Moved out of my parents' house earlier this year and my parents, my mum in particular, really needed to adjust to that.


My mom was 19 when she had me, so I can relate to dealing with immature parents. She never really grew up until her 40's. She also decided the best way to raise me and my sister was to be huge hypocrite, with everything from her stance on teen moms to partying and promiscuity. The phrase "do as I say, not as I do, " was spoken very frequently.


I hope you’re doing okay and your parents are more responsible. kudos to your dad for raising you even when you’re not his! ❤


My young Mom was a crazy mess. Honestly, I always wished that she would’ve put me up for adoption when I was born. But, she was too selfish and immature to do something thoughtful. It wasn’t in her. That not who she was.


I know a lot of people who are the children of teen parents and the big difference between they having a good or bad relathionship is always the grandparents.


My mom was a teen mom with my brother and my sister. She fought tooth and nail for her kids and refused to give up, wanting to give them a better life than she did. She even faced homelessness because she didn't want to give up her baby (my grandma wasn't going to let her keep my brother). She's hard working and very loving


My mom had me at 17, she was in her second year of high school. Today she's the manager of a resort in my hometown. Super proud of her ❤


My mom had me at 16. I think she and my grandma did a pretty good job. However, an immigrant family, low income, absentee father, and her being so young were factors that definitely shaped me. Its interesting, you are basically growing up with them. We are both learning from the earlier years and I think thats pretty good.


My biological mother had this mentality constantly when I was growing up, she was immature and insane, my dad and her divorced because of her constant sleeping around and she disappeared for 2 years, only came back to get custody out of spite to hurt my dad and didn’t care about looking after me. So as a kid I was forced to be the parent to my brother and her from age 10, had to make sure my brother had food, clean clothes and the bills were paid whilst she went out and partied with random men, kept telling me she had “lots of love to give” and that’s why she had multiple partners… just no love to give me, her daughter.

As teens my brother was constantly angry, despite being our mothers favourite he was always angry because she would disappear for days and he’d be bullied in school by the kids of the families she destroyed (she slept with a LOT of married men), so he took his anger out on me very violently, my mother just encouraged it and told me I deserved it.

This went on for years, by 18 I was working full time, my wages going to the household because she was irresponsible (she was 38 at this point and still partying etc) and I’d turn up to work with bruising on my face and neck from where my brother attacked me. One manager was deeply concerned and told me about her ex husband and was worried I had a boyfriend or girlfriend hurting me. I remember asking her
“What do you do if it’s your own brother?”
She didn’t have an answer, just cried and hugged me really hard. She couldn’t imagine treating her kids that way and it broke her.

Escaped with a young persons charity a few months later, they looked at my case and had an apartment for me within days. Legally changed my surname, moved elsewhere in my country, made myself near impossible to contact, have strong home security, local police aware of my insane bio family (because they’d constantly tried threatening me over the years when they were able to contact me), and have strong home security. I haven’t spoken to them in over a decade but they try to contact me with nothing but pure hate and vitriol every few years, generally whenever someone has shamed them for their treatment of me and pointed out that they are the problem.

Some parents don’t deserve children, my mother is a really good case of this. The only relative I have is my dad (reached out to him as an adult as mother cut all contact with him growing up), it can get lonely but I will fight for this peace and happiness I’ve found in life. Also have cPTSD and permanent nerve damage from said childhood, every day is a struggle but that’s okay, I can work through that, I’m still infinitely more happy being completely free from her insanity and my brother volatile behaviour.


My grandmother was a teen mom, having her first kid at 13 and a couple janky marriages following. My mom was the youngest of 3, but the effect still held. My grandma felt like she missed out on being young and a teenager so while my mom was growing up she went to a lot of parties and left her kids overnight, and generally was the cause of my mom's abandonment issues.
I remember going to my mom about dating when I was 13 and her basically flipping out on me, saying things like "You're 13. You start dating, then you start having sex at 14, then you're pregnant at 15. What do you do then?" and completely bewildering me when all I was doing was asking normal questions. And I find out it's her projecting how she grew up and being scared my life would backtrack like her mom's


My mother had my older sister at 18, had me at 20. She's kicked both of us out now. (I was 14 and my sister was kicked out at 17 around 6 months later)


my mother had me at eighteen, so it’s not technically a teen mom deal, but i still consider that young. my father is out of the picture, so mom had to work quite a few jobs for me, leaving me alone most of the time. she also doesn’t know much on how to punish me properly, so i do not know a lot of skills i should, and i think i’m sometimes spoiled. but, i love my mom and everything she’s doing to give us a good life.
