Did Jesus turn water into non-alcoholic grape juice?

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#maklelan1933 Responding to @CowboyJeffSmith
Why Did Jesus Turn Water into Wine? John 2:1-12 EXPLAINED | (un)ANSWERED
Jesus' MIRACLE of Turning WATER Into WINE Explained
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
Why Did Jesus turn Water into Wine?
John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine | The Bible
Did Jesus turn water into wine? Prof John Lennox debates atheist Prof Michael Ruse
Why was Yeshua-Jesus' first public miracle: water into wine? Rabbi Jason Sobel | The Chosen Unv...
The real reason Jesus turned water into wine. #wine #miracle #sandalschurch #pastor
Did Jesus Really Walk on Water? The Hidden Meaning That Changes Everything
Why Jesus Turned Water into Wine: John 2
Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine Right Before Cleansing The Temple In John 2? | Jason Camacho
Jesus turns water into wine #shorts
Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine? | Dr. Shabir Ally
Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine?
If Drinking Is A Sin, Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine? - Your Questions, Honest Answers
Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine?
Why Did Jesus Change Water into Wine?
Did Jesus Really Turn Water Into Wine?
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Miracle Performed by Jesus! | The Life of Jesus | #4
Did Jesus give ALCOHOL to the people at the wedding feast? Is it a SIN to drink ALCOHOL?
DID JESUS WALK ON WATER?😱💦 #shorts #jesus #bible #christian
Did Jesus Make Alcoholic Wine? | Tough Tuesday EP 8
Sharefaith Kids: Jesus Turns Water Into Wine - John 2 Bible Story for Kids