An Honest Review Of Wuthering Waves’ Echo System

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Echoes are a core mechanic of Wuthering Waves' progression, and it has many unique characteristics to it compared to titles with a similar equipment system. But with the way it's currently designed, is it too tedious/grindy? Today we'll be discussing the Echo farming experience and outline the pros and cons of it.

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*Is the echo system too grindy?*

Getting the echoes: no 😊
Getting their resources: *YES* 💀


In my opinion they should add a quick access button to quickly view any echo you absorb in the overworld so you dont have to go through the characters and menu every single time to check if you finally got the right main stat.


Honestly, farming for echoes is just fine... what I hate abt the echo system is how hard it is to gather resources to level them up. I'm honestly not bothered if I don't get a good Dreamless mainstat even if I've farmed for 2 hours because at least I know I can grind my way to get something good. But you can't really "grind" exp materials for echoes since most of its sources are locked behind waveplate consumption, which takes either time or valuable resources (astrites = money)


Another positive I want to mention: farming echoes makes you run around the world more and in turn you might find a chest or minigame you might be missing. This will likely also hold true for new regions coming out, incentivizing the player to go out into the world.


i cannot believe the game has only been out for a little over two weeks to me it feels like it’s been MONTHS with all the chaos that’s been happening since release lmao


They also need to make it so the lower tuners can be converted to the gold ones


VERY Important point to mention that imo SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the grind is the pity system for echoes:

Each class of echoes have their own pity counter and a hard pity. For example, overlord and calamity class enemies have a hard pity of 2 while elite class enemies have a hard pity of 4. Here's what this means:

If you want a tempest Memphis echo, you can fight any overlord class enemy (most probably the ones that can be killed quickly, from my exp - mech abom.). It will mostly likely not drop an echo (since there's only a 20% drop rate) BUT you now have a GUARANTEED drop for the next overlord class enemy. So you will 100% get a drop from tempest Memphis. And if you do end up getting the drop from the boss you don't want, go fight another one or fight him again. Keep in mind, you have an 80% chance of not getting the drop. You can farm your desired echoes in this way SOOOO DAMM FAST it's unreal.

For the elites, the pity counter is 4. So here's my strategy: I farm two random elites that I don't want and try to not get an echo twice in a row. The chances of that happening are 64% which is decently high imo. Then you can farm the elite boss you're looking for and at most you need to kill two to get the drop. Since I've not done time and probability analysis of this, I'm not sure if this is indeed the best way to farm elites (maybe it's better to just get 1 pity instead of 2), but I exhaust my elites a lot and the thought of going into other's worlds to farm is tedious so my strategy let's me reach a decent compromise between getting the drops I want, having enough to farm, and the amount of time spent. The only other option left is to try to miss three times and build three pity to guarantee the next elite so you have a drop from 100% of the elites - the chances of three misses are 51.2%, which feels tedious AF.

However I'm confident that the 4 cost echo farming strat is the most practical.

PS: I did not discover or come up with this. Pls find Wuwa content creators who talk about this for the original source, testing and data


They should also allow us to convert tuners from a lower quality to a higher one.

I currently has 1k+ Blue Tuners and like 900 Purple tuners that will not see as much usage, if at all, and regarding purple tuners, I'll just be getting more and more with time because Tacet Fields drop them constantly.


I never cared about Echo Farming. I just absorb whatever Echo there is and go on my way.


i would assume they only optimize the progression at max level and didnt expect alot of people already minmax their echos at level 30-40. just my head cannon tho


I love the echo system in concept with the way they can be used in combat, but getting materials to level them up is way too much of a pain, because those you can’t even effectively grind because of the high waveplate cost.

One of the few saving graces of the Hoyoverse artifact systems you mentioned is that unwanted items can be converted directly converted into exp for other items. The closest thing WuWa has to that I’ve only used once so far and it just seems like a reinvention of the Artifact Strongbox from Genshin


Two of the reasons of my gripe is the exp/echoexp/coins grind is:

*1. The Waveplate is too expensive.*
> Lower it to a 50% then it would be much more better, but some may say it would be more "grindier" which I am talking next

*2. How grindy the Domains for exp/echoexp/coins are.*
> I propose an idea of 1 battle multiplier, this way it would hasten to how much times you can just finish in one fight, without feeling the grind


Issue that i come across when grinding.

1: If your Data Bank isn't level 15 for the permanent gold echo upgrade, you are always behind those that grind.

2: No off piece, unlike genshin where set only need 4 for the full effect in WW you need all 5 for the effects to activate.

3: You can't feed unwanted Echo to level up the Echo you want to level up besides from those you already level up.

4: Doing any of the Tacit place felt pointless, because it generally better for me just to mark an enemy and run around killing that enemy till i got the desired stats on top of fusing unwanted Echo in mid of that exploration to maybe got something i could use in the future.

5: The cost Limitations on what Echo you could equip suck.


I just don't understand why it took me so long to get a single aero dmg bonus on an echo for the aero dmg set 💀 Seriously, why can dps 4 cost echoes get healing bonus as a main stat???


Just a note: The 1.1 announcement for echoes and mats for echoes (topic 1.4 in the post) seems to be only for EVENTS the EN translation is bad. KR CN and JP all have consistent wording. Only EN was bad

Edit: There a possible chance still I guess for the devs to buff tacit fields in 1.1 but I doubt it... Hopefully tho... The translation says "Version Events" and "rewards" so take that how you will


Yes, but the issue is less getting the echoes themselves and more upgrading them. I hope that higher union levels will increase how much leveling/tuning materials by a significant degree, rather than a small amount.


Sometime i really want auto absorb echo system...
Cause i kinda grind it everyday. So it getting tedious very fast to go back to echo and clicking Absorb everytime.

That just me maybe.


Personally i tune every echo to lvl 5 and if i don’t get crit rate its in the trash its so much efficient but more effort


I think an aspect that also adds insult to injury is how little some needed echoes appear in the open world in comparison to others. My Tambourinist and Flautist echo farms are legit like 1/3, if that, as long as my Stonewall Bracer farming sessions. There are just so little of them in the world. Makes the rng even worse cause you have a much more limited pool to fish from.


Few things that frustrate me:

1). Pity system is basically worthless at max Data Bank level because it's fairly uncommon to go more than 2-3 kills with getting an echo, therefore resetting your pity. So you're more incentivized to just track the one MOB you're after as not to waste time jumping from elite to elite trying to stack and inevitably reset pity.

2). The weights on desirable ELITE mainstats are too low. There are what, ~20 Flautists in the world. Less than half of them aren't going to give me echos. The majority of those are giving me Lingering Base set instead of Electro. And then I have like a 1/10, at best to hit Electro mainstat? And that's just to get an echo worth leveling?

I think you make a great point- it's fine if echos are 99% of the time not an upgrade, but don't make me spend hours a day searching for that.
