How to Install A 5 Frame Nuc or EZ Nuc Honey Bee Nucleus 592020

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This is the first time I've installed a 5-Frame Nuc, as this is my 3rd year as a beekeeper. In prior years, I installed bee packages. One issue I had with the EZ nuc, was trouble locating the queen during the install. Three weeks following the install, it appeared there was no active queen in my hive, so I had to order a new queen. I was pretty careful during the nuc install, but I never saw the queen. So unless she flew out when I opened the nuc box, or she fell or was somehow injured, my hive became queen-less. As it was, the nuc was several weeks late from MJD Apiary, due to COVID, so installing May 9th, was about a month later (April 13) than my first hive was ever installed - back in 2018. Personally, I think I like the bee package - and seeing everything happen in that manner. At least you can easily find the queen, and you know that she is safe and inside the hive, with the bee package.
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