Ableton Push Tutorial: Live Production and Performance Techniques Part 2 w/ Dan Freeman

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In the second installment of this two part Ableton Push video tutorial, Dubspot instructor and Ableton Live Certified Trainer Dan Freeman discuss the inspiration and creative process behind his live performance production method and offers tips and tricks for composing in real-time with Push! Check out part one of this video tutorial here.


Ableton recently released the Push controller as part of Ableton Live 9. The point of Push was to take digital production back to the physical realm - to use your hands like an instrument rather than have your focus on the laptop screen. When I got Push, I decided to try and see if Push would be the right instrument for something I've wanted to do for a while - live production. Live production means that I would start with no pre-recorded audio, just a couple of samples. I'd then be able to throw a tune together so fast that it would sound like I was performing it. In doing so, I would meld the worlds in which I belong, that of production and performance, together. - Dan Freeman

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions from this video please share them with us in the comments section below :)

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8:27 That only works (that way) when Push is in scene mode. When it's in clip mode only the selected track/clip will be affected by the change (which could be what you want).
To change it hold the user button and change the "workflow" option with the encoder above it.


i def need to save up for an ableton push!!


guys this is sicker than launchpad tho


Great video. Could you share the ableton project so we can try out the lesson.


5:58 is not quite right. upper rightmost button is for fixed vs relative note position, lower is for chromatic vs in-key. He hits both of them, and describing "fixed", he's really describing "in-key" mode.


I had to double tap the second bar to shift my loopbrace.


And also, there are definitely scripts out there that make Launchpad behave very much like Push. Get googling.


really want to be impressed but that's a negative. Especially with all that goombah bird pecking going on. Is there any bad ass digital music that is actually performed with savage passion instead of goombah peckin?


there is a script for launchpad to do this. search Launchpad85 on gg.
works great.
And also on the APC40 called apc64-40.
apc40+launchpad = 500euros
push= 500 euros
Just sayin
