(WOW) Billy Graham (Decisionism) vs Paul Washer (Regeneration) | Altar Calls, My Thoughts!

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Paul David Washer (born September 11, 1961) is an American Protestant Christian evangelist with a Calvinist theology affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Biography Washer reports converting to Christianity while studying at the University of Texas at Austin to become an oil and gas lawyer.[5][6] He moved to Peru and served there as a missionary for 10 years.[7] In 1988, while in Peru,[8] Washer founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support indigenous missionaries witnessing to people of their own cultures.[9][10] As of 2017, the organization supported 238 missionary families in 41 countries.[11]
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Jesus clearly says you Must be born again. I agree with Paul Washer in this video.


No matter how sincere. No matter how emotional. Simple human profession does not save. One must be born again to enter the Kingdom of GOD.


To present Christ as choosing them first is in many people’s eyes an outrage. They simply cannot give up their autonomy and self sovereignty. It is inherently selfish and self centered. God is absolute sovereign in my life. He chose me before I ever chose him. Not because he looked down through history and saw the goodness in me because there is no goodness in me without Jesus.


It's both. Jesus asked the disciples if they would leave to like the others, and they responded no, we choose you, then Jesus responded, "I chose you."

Biblically, we are chosen, but from our perspective, we make a decision for Christ, and then are humbled to realize Christ chose us.


I worked with a big name evangelist for a while. Most counselors were elders or leaders… it was uncommon for a nominal Christian to become a counselor. But regardless, the counselors job was to either disciple the new believer OR plug them into a church close to them (because people come from all over, direct discipling is not always possible). We did not count the convert if they did not connect to a counselor, it wasn’t enough to just raise their hand. We had a list of churches in most surrounding areas who were solid and willing to take the new believers and take the necessary time to grow with them because the evangelists job is designed to be different than the local pastor… he wasn’t starting a church, churches were already there. I LOVE Paul but what he is speaking about was not the normal.


I don't think I agree with this, Billy Graham wasn't a pastor he was an evangelist and it's his job to make sure that everyone knows that the door is open. It's Paul Washer's job to make sure they stay through actual counseling and discipleship and what Paul is proposing is just unrealistic when you have hundreds of people coming to give they're life to the lord, are you gonna say that Billy's ministry was not fruitful? So no I think both men are fulfilling they're role in the church equally well.


Everyone came forward, raising their hands, confessing their beleving, to beat on the side of the Ark, but in a 100 year period of building it, not one guest bedroom was built in it in preparation for a free willer who decided all of a sudden they changed their vote to be a true believer. The LORD shut the door Himself.

Grace isn't earned. This is the very first mention of the word "grace" in Gods Word.

Genesis 6:8
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.


The word of God also says make a declaration of our faith in front of people, He even states if you are ashamed of me amongst people I will be ashamed to present you to the father.


Washer made a point about "stop treating people like numbers ". The only one who treats people like numbers will require people to take a number/mark in their right hand. The LORD Jesus and the HOLY Spirit have never done this.


Calvinist or not, Paul Washer is closer to the truth. A simple altar call, while on its own COULD produce new believers, is certainly no assurance that they are TRULY a new believer. His model of spending time in Scripture with the person, over a period of time, is certainly more likely to show if that person is truly ready and coming to Christ, than going over 3 or 4 verses in Romans and reciting a quick prayer. The former engages the pastor's true role as shepherd of the sheep of his congregation, whereas the latter engages the hired hand only working for the day's wages.


Mormons, JWs and muslims can make a decision to follow their beliefs but they can't be transformed by the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Repentance leads to life in Christ.


These aren't the only two positions on this. Both Washers position (4hrs, theological training etc none of that is biblical... in fact, doesn't sound very like the NT saving encounters either Jn 3, Jn 4 or Acts 16 etc etc) and the dramatic altar call set up he describes out are both extremes.


Without the New Birth from God, people simply are choosing a false god no matter what they name it.


Calvinist believe you are first regenerated (saved) and then you receive you faith. This is unscriptural. Faith precedes regeneration, always.


Abandon Calvinism, stick with scripture.


Why are Calvinist so angry all the time?
