Terrific Terrible Trump ~ Suzanne Spooner QHHT Session Segment

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I am listening to this 10/18/24! Just 2 weeks before the NEXT election! I would love to hear ur client and/or u, Suzanne update us now that 4 years have gone under that bridge that has been falling apart in PAINFULLY slow motion!!! In my opinion, the collective sure likes to draw things out! Anyone here now care to comment 4 years later???


Wow! Thank you all for the comments and thoughts on this very mind expanding session! I’m doing my best to answer questions on YouTube, the several pages and groups it’s posted in. It took me 2 hours to get ready this morning because I kept stopping to answer questions. I thought maybe it would be best to address a few questions that keep coming up. 🤓

Why would a High Self sound like that? In QHHT sessions that part of us has its own vibration, frequency and tone. They really do! 🤩 Some clients who are boisterous in their awake state are very calm and zen in their hypnotic state; vise versa and everything in between.

It sounds as if her conscious mind is coming through; not her high self. In a session there are many markers I’m watching for to get a great sense if they are in the theta state where we can most easily access the unlimited knowledge we all carry but sadly have not been taught about. (Hard to control the masses if they knew they held all answers 😏). She definitely was deep and her HS was very animated and conversational. Sometimes the left mind will pipe in with color commentary. 😎 That’s ok. We just settle him down and keep going with the right mind. She was solidly in and you can hear the shock in her voice as the left mind makes sense of the info the right mind is giving. From my perspective it can be like refereeing a crazy tennis match. 🎾

BUT here are my conclusions after listening to this several times. Keep in mind I’m a glass half full girl. 💃 The positive things I heard that I think we can all be happy about is that the old systems that kept the masses on the hamster wheel are coming down no matter what. That’s financial, medical, banking and education to name a few. Her example of how the education system is changing already is encouraging! Right now it looks like chaos; hybrid, in person and online. But we are trying new ways to find what works better for all! 🥳

The changes can happen relatively quickly in a few years. It will be more chaotic but we start to create new, better systems sooner.

The changes can happen over a longer time; decades. That might prolong the pain but be easier for some taking small steps. Either way works, it’s just a different timeline, no judgement.

One way or another Trump has found his way to the role to break the systems down. Love him or hate him he has shaken the world up to help us question and think for ourselves. Not a job I would want!! Heck, I had a hard time deciding to release the clip wondering if this was just too much. When I was leaning towards not releasing it a dear friend reminded me the information came through my session for a reason.

We all have our own inner knowing to draw from. Do I think we’ll see the future play out exactly as she’s predicted? With free will in play anything is possible and it will be interesting to check back in over time. 🤞🏻

Thank you all for reading this far. ❤️

Big Love,


I don't even want to finish this video, sorry. This is not the higher self speaking. I can give you tons of examples why, (I think, we, our kids, our system, I quess, I think etc etc...) but I am not going to spend my energy on this. I am actually surpriced you didn't noticed this.
Just before putting my comment here I read some comments, and it was a confirmation for me over and over again. Gladly I am not the only one who heard this was just the mind/ego speaking. Till now this is the only one, I have listened to another 20 video's or so, they were absolutely amazing. Thank you ❤️


I watch quite a few QHHT sessions on YT and this is not the first session where it is brought up that "Trump came to this planet under a "soul contract" as a major "agent of change".


Hi Suzanne, I have always loved listening to your videos.

After hearing this QHHT session I feel really doubtful that your client was truly in the somnambulist state as Dolores mentions. There seemed to be a lot of uncertainty in the claims of her higher self and it really did not resonate with me the way others who have spoken of Trump in a truly deep hypnotic state have spoken. It felt full of egoistic statements, I wonder what your thoughts are as a Level 3 qhht practitioner on being able to detect when your client truly is in that state?

I ask because I am considering a qhht session for myself and would much prefer to have the 'real experience' than for my ego to insert itself into and takeover the session.


Those who are familiar w Dolores’ work will understand this. Dolores has ALWAYS said “this is all a play” “forgive, no matter what horrible things they’ve done to you to release the karma” “the worst ppl in (your) life signed up to play that part to hurt you and often are your best friends on the other side” “look at the human experience as an observer, don’t get caught up into the fear, not everything is as it seems”. It’s important we look at ALL information this way, regardless of how we feel toward certain information it’s information. Take what resonates. It’s all supposed to make us THINK.


I have heard several psychics and channelers expressing that Trump is an ascended master but they never finish the sentence (in my opinion) that people will be awakened BECAUSE of his despicablity. Thank you Suzanne for posting this. Thank you to your clients higher self that put it in a way that I’ve never been able explain in a way that helps people understand what is going on here. We are in the process of very critical discernment… A natural part of our collective waking up. Much love !


I've heard this about Trump several times, but wow, what a revelation in this session! While his manner of behavior is rough, to be sure, there are as well, many instances of kindnesses bestowed, but he doesn't "brag" about those. I don't know how any human could withstand all the hate, and negativity coming at them every single day. So I am choosing to surround him in love and light, and prayers, for the tremendous job he was brought here to do! Love & light to you all! 💞


She refers to herself as, she is not talking from her higher self if she refers to herself as I


I have listened to do many sessions from several different peoples work and never heard the other side call people names such hideous nor describe anyone in this manner. The higher self and guide always filter their info thru love and forgiveness.


Trump is living an example so that we may look at him and choose for ourselves if we want to follow him, to live in darkness, fear, lack and limitation that is the 3rd dimension, or we can choose to live in light, and abundance and raise our awareness live with out fear and judgement. You attract what you are.


I get this, I am not denying what she is saying.. but I also feel like it was unlike any other session I’ve ever heard. It felt like it was her ego self having a conversation with Suzanne, not her higher conscious. She used “I” many times, and the content felt subjective during many points, where it usually wouldn’t. I’m not trying to deny the content, it was just red flag for me. Did anyone else notice this?


It HAD to be broken down and all the darkness exposed to the light. In the process, people are being woken up. We are shifting to a new paradigm where we as creators will have the abundance we need to create all new humanitarian projects and systems. That’s why this is called the shift. It sets us up for Ascension. Thank you so much for this, Suzanne!


A higher self would never refer to the Galactic Federation as “whoever is in charge of America/Earth “ since they are all knowing. It didn’t sound like she knew what she was talking about. This sounds like her conscious mind is speaking loud and clear especially when using the word shitty. It sounds like she came into this session with previous knowledge.


Three years have gone by and a lot has changed, which Trump dealing with his 4 indictments and presidential elections less than a year away. I'd be curious in a follow-up.


Suzanne and to your client who volunteered to share this, THANK YOU! Thank you for your courage to share this information, as strange as it may seem. It actually makes perfect sense to me after listening to the explanation. Now I am at peace with this whole situation. One way or another, either in a very radical, extremely dramatic way if he gets elected, or a longer, fumbling path if he doesn't, there will be positive change after we get through to the other side of this challenge for the whole earth. It's like in every story about a hero rising up to fight against the anti-hero to save the world, but in this case, the hero is all of the good people on Earth rising up against the dark forces and exposing all the corrupt systems that need to be radically changed for the better of all. It's weirdly funny to realize now that his campaign messaging is actually true, that he has indeed been chosen by God to save America, just in a totally different way than what he thought he meant. But boy oh boy! It's going to be a VERY rough ride for the whole world if he does get elected! Brace yourselves!


Suzanne Spooner thank you for this. It verify everything I know about Trump and much more. much love and light 🙏✨💖


WOW!!! Im so in awe listening to this woman’s session! I was just talking to my 8 year old about how i was so sorry about all the changes in our lives how none of this has ever happened ...not even to her grandparents. I think she was shocked and upset. I just felt so hopeless & sad for my little one. & her friends, but then I saw your VIDEO!!! When your client was talking about how we came down here to make sure things were here and our kiddos are the ones to facilitate the changes! I started crying tears of JOY!!! Its nice to hear that there is hope for a brighter future for our babies and our grand babies. On another note ...I feel something big is coming!!!something is gonna happen and soon. I can feel it in my gut. Anyway, im going to talk to my little girl when we get breakfast and tell her how lucky she is to be here now and how her furture is going to be so amazing.


I am for whatever facilitates an end to all this madness on planet earth.


Listening to this 2 years into the Biden administration (Trump defeated in his re-election, or so the story goes) which has turned into a regime that can be termed truly Terrible.
I'm wondering if the "election" addressed in this session is his re-election (as it was posted 2 years ago.) Can that be clarified?
I agree with some of the comments that this seems more like a lively chat between two folks in our 3D realm, steeped in politics and normal perspectives. (On Mother Teresa, for instance, as anyone nearly as exalted as the others mentioned in the same sentence.)
I do believe Trump was sent here to fulfill a mission, and that he is still at it while this "pretendency" fizzles to the gutter. There is lots of breaking up to do. And I believe he is far from wanting to exit the earth plane, contrary to what is suggested by her Higher Self.
