How to use EVENT CONTROLLER! - Space Engineers Automatons AI Update

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The new Automatons AI Update has been released for Space engineers, with it came the new Event Controller! In this video, I will show you how to use the Event controller, and some of the cool things it can do.


All events:
- Altitude
- Angle Change
- Block added/removed
- Block Integrity %
- Block on/off switch
- Cargo filled %
- Cockpit Occupied
- Connector connected
- Connector ready to lock
- Distance to locked target
- Door opened
- Gas tank filled %
- Grid Speed changed
- Landing gear locked
- Magnetic lock ready
- Merge block merged
- Natural gravity changed
- Piston position %
- Power output %
- Rotor/hinge attached/detached
- Stored power %
- Thrust %


Space Engineers is a voxel-based sandbox game set in space and on planets, developed and published by Czech independent developer Keen Software House. In 2013, the initial developmental release of the game joined the Steam early access program. During the following years of active development, Space Engineers sold over one million units. In total as of 2019 the game has sold over 3.5 million copies In May 2015, for approximately a year and a half, the game's source code was officially available and maintained by KSH to assist the modding community. On December 15, 2016, the game entered Beta and was later officially released on February 28, 2019.
The game is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.


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Рекомендации по теме

Hats off. I recreated an airlock with automatons and had to use two event controllers and two timer blocks. Very clever for achieving with one event controller. I didn't know that each slot was for true and false states. Also didn't know that I could assign actions to the vent. Excellent video thanks!


I believe you are in error of the operation of the Event Controller in your "self repair" demonstration.
Yes, it checks the condition of all blocks in the selected field but it is checking to see if any of them meet the criteria and if it is then that makes it a true condition.

Excerpts from Keen's Grid AI Guide:

"The event tracks whether or not a specific requisite has taken place. For instance, if a landing gear is in the locked state, cargo is full to capacity, or power output is below or above a certain threshold."

"AND Gate – When enabled, actions only trigger when all monitored blocks fulfill the condition."

Think of it this way, when more than one block is selected to check, the EC treats it like a OR Gate.
Meaning if this battery or that battery meets the specific requisite then it considers the condition met. Even if it means one battery will not be at 80%.

The AND Gate has the requirement that all selected blocks must meet the specific requisite before it is satisfied that it is a job well done.

I hope this helps.
The main thing is now we have actual OR and AND Gates to use. The possibilities are almost endless when use in conjunction with the other A.I. blocks, like changing attack patterns in battle depending on conditions detected by the Event Controller.


Interesting. I’ll delve into the meat of the update eventually, right now I’m just making a ship with all the new blocks like I do every update.

My keen eye spots the possibility of vanilla lock-on torpedoes though. Didn’t realize hover vehicles were a thing, however! The hover tank from Battlefield 2142 is possible without mods!


The bike you made was fine. Your driving, on the other hand...LOL! The airlock demo was very nice.


Man, this update really cuts down the amount of resources needed to make stuff. I used to make Airlocks using 3 timer blocks, but the event controller is gonna make it much quicker and more cost-effective! I'll also muck around with hoverbikes to make a hovertank! Thanks for the tutorial!


On hover bikes don't group all the lift thrusters, need some lift to help prevent bottoming out on descending from jumps


Didn't know it had multiple hotbars. Don't recall seeing an enemy detect or turret active state, would make for a good engagement alarm


Thanks for posting this, Alice!

Your airlock is a neat idea, but it will only work if you have only one entrance to a building/ship. The moment you have two of these set up, you are restricted to going back through the entrance you last exited. If you notice the power is shut off on the interior door. If you're already inside through another entrance, you can't get out through this entrance. I use sensors to open/close doors. So, if you enter the building in your example and there is a sensor to close the interior door, you're locked inside since the power to the inner door is then shut off.


Amazing airlock setup. Keep up the good work


In programming, having only one requirement fulfilled to enter the if statement would be an OR and not an AND, the default behavior you described (if all blocks are true) is an actual AND statement. For instance, if (something AND something) requires both 'something' to be true to work, whereas if (something OR something) requires only one of the 'something' to be true to work.

Idk if I undertood the explanation wrong in the video or if Keen messed up, but the AND text in the game's interface, according to the explanion in the video, should be an OR


Problem is the vanilla thrusters isnt powerful enough to do a vanilla hover without using far too many of them to be practical.


4Hi mate, I've been having a pretty consistent problem with event blocks for quite a while now. I believe they fail to update or detect thresholds, meaning that my torpedos don't detonate when they run out of fuel or get close enough to the target or my disposable drones don't switch between offensive AIs (normal attack mode and missile mode once fuel or ammo is down to a certain threshold), among other things. So far I've only managed to "fix" my torpedos by launching them with a fairly low detection range and increasing said threshold with a self triggering timer block That way I can mostly guarantee that the threshold gets updated once an enemy is within it, but if it reaches max distance and then an enemy gets within the detection radius, the event controller will do nothing. I believe the controllers get bugged once the munitions become their own grid after un-merging, I've tried to use the "connector connected" event to turn off the torpedo's merge block and using the "block on-off" event to turn off all other event controllers, but it doesn't do anything. I could add more timers and controllers but that would only make the munitions bigger which is very counterproductive because I would also have to increase my carrier's CPU by making the printers larger. So... I'm pretty stuck rn, do you or anybody else for that matter, have either a solution or another way to weld and launch grid weapons without inducing bugs?


Ya know what? Here, have a sub, i had no idea the 2 thingys on the event controller meant for true and false states, thanks!


Love these explanations. Subbed! Keep it up.


There really needs to be a event called "When Enemy detected"
It would simplify some drone build setups.
But i understand... This is Keen we are talking about...


I set up a hover bike the way you did but it doesn't work, I'm not sure what I did wrong

Edit: Nevermind, it just doesn't work with the modded thrusters I was using


So, basically, if Stimulus "A" occurs, perform response "A" Etc., Etc, ?


Can you please show us step by step how you did the doors. I’m new and need a guid lol


I'm using a dummy miner and a event controller and a storage box. When the storage box gets below a =< I want the miner to increase its mining area by 50m. In the event controller actions it has Increase /decrease forward/backwards offset, but how do I change the distance it moves atm I think it is moving 0.5 increments which is not enough tho keep the storage box full.


Am I crazy or should the finction AND be called OR gate? Doesn't and require all the inputs to be true to output a signal? So if only one block is damaged, it should not trigger.