Is THIS The BEST Filter For Small Aquariums?

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No, it's not crazy to install a canister filter on a smaller tank, is it expensive? Yes, is it a bit overkill? Maybe but it's also super efficient, low maintenance and SUPER QUIET!

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It doesn't matter whether you're getting paid or not. It's always good to know what's out there and available. I mean, they ALL work. They all do the same thing. I never replace one of my working filters just because something new comes out. But when I DO have to replace one, videos like these give me options! Thanks for everything you and Lisa do!


Another pro about canister filters is that you can easily upgrade your filter media to achieve much better biological filtration than with just foams, etc. Then, if you get the right media, you can even achieve anaerobic filtration which will eventually reduce (or even almost eliminate) the need for water changes.
Also I like that it eliminates a lot of ‘furniture’ in the tank - if you buy glass tubes then the filtration is almost invisible. You can even eliminate the heater element from the tank, either by having an inline heater or getting an Oase BioTherm. It allows you to make the tank as natural-looking as possible when aqua-scaping.


I got cannister filters on a 10 gallon and on a couple 20 longs. I first bought one for my 75 gallon turtle tank and fell in love with the concept. Never regretted it. I didn't now there were rules on the minimum size. I just liked the idea of increasing the water volume and adding tons of bio media. Less frequent maintenance is a plus. Way quieter and they hide the filter away out of sight. I hated the way HoB filters looked on my tanks. I have had amazing luck with the Penn-Plax brand btw. They fly under most peoples radar, but they are a hidden gem for their price.


I totally agree!! I've had an Eiheim 250 on my 33g since 2009. Got the filter choice advice from a local LFS and have never looked back. Maintenance is a dream and it's so quiet😊


I used to have a small Sunsun canister filter for my 3 gallon tank. It did an amazing job. I now have a 20 gallon tank and continue to use a canister filter. I think no filter performs better than a canister filter.


Always good to hear different opinions. When I recently set up my largest tank (75 gallon) I seeded it with an existing sponge filter which is still in the tank but started it up with a Fluval 407. So far it is all working really well. We just all need to have an open mind right. So glad to see your 😺. Everyone needs a helper:)


Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."


I put an old Eheim canister on my 20 gallon and love it. I turned the flow down, of course. It’s so quiet.


i have the Fluval 407 running on my 38 gallon bow front aquarium and i love it


I feel like that 60 seconds near the beginning was directed right at me! 🤣🤣🤣


I LOVE canister filters! I got a JBL Green Line for my 150. Works as a charm, and you don't need to take up that space inside the tank ☺️
I love how savage you are too 😂


My concern had been too much flow on smaller tanks with canisters, but that really depends on the fish - I imagine my Rainbows would enjoy lots of flow - Thanks John, when my Praecox rainbow fry grow up, I may just put a canister on my 29g💕👍


Thanks, John. I have 3 Fluval canister filters running in my fishroom. I love them all but wish they had handles.


I love how John preemptively trolls the trolls lol


Lost your channel for ages but I'm back for everything


I have a UNS Delta 30 on a 5 gallon tank right now just because I think they're prettier than other types of filters, and because I like that they make really good flow in a tank. The funny part? the fish load is 2 neon tetras 2 chili rasboras and a few shrimp...


Hahaha! That guy… I’m dying!

I have canisters on tanks from 40g to as small as a 6g. They can be a pain in the ass to put back together during cleaning and after some time may start sucking air. I just slopped a bunch of water on the floor yesterday putting a canister back after cleaning… I still like my canisters filters as opposed to the alternatives.


Hah! "Can't check the oil in his car" was thinking you would go with "can't change a tire"


Dude.. I’ve got a canister on my 16 gallon planted tank… hahaha! But it works a charm! Water is crystal clear and I only need to clean the canister every 4-6 months! That’s another plus point u missed out.. hehe
I’ve got a HOB on my 2 gallon tank that needs to be cleaned out every week (or else the flow is greatly reduced)… it’s a tiny HOB but still a hassle to have to clean weekly..
like u said.. I’d have a canister on all my tanks if I had the space… and if they could be used on tiny tanks.. haha!


I've been running a 20+ yr old Ehime canister on my planted 29 gal for the last 3yrs. 😗👌
