Все публикации

Sergii Khmelevskyi - Exotic Phenomena Due to Multipolar Superexchange Interactions in f-Electron...

Eva Pavarini - Finding true Kugel-Khomskii materials

Samuele Sanna - Effect of electron-doping in Ba2Na1−xCaxOsO6 Mott insulator with strong spin orbit..

Diana Csontosova - Hidden covalent insulator and spin excitations in SrRu2O6

Nandini Trivedi - Signatures of fractionalization in quantum spin liquids and predictions f. exp...

Johanna Paulina Carbone - Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of heavy rare-earth atoms on graphene

Roberto Cerbino - Exploring Cell Tissue Dynamics in Reciprocal Space: A Differential Dynamic Micro..

Giuseppe Foffi - From thermal to athermal systems: self-assembly and absorbing phase transitions

Thomas Voigtmann - Dynamics of active particles at high densities

Zvonimir Dogic - Encoding Shape, Structure, Mechanics, and Dynamics of a Soft Network with an Act...

Magali LeGoff - A coarse-grained molecular dynamics study of damage localization during the fract...

Paddy Royall - Yielding in Colloidal Systems Far-From-Equilibrium: from Gels to Active Matter

Thomas Voigtmann - Nonequilibrium Response Theory for Soft and Active Matter

Eleonora Secchi - Bacterial Biofilms: part II

Eleonora Secchi - Bacterial Biofilms: part I

Andreas Zöttl - Theoretical modeling of passive and active particle dynamics in shear flow

Rastko Sknepnek - Vertex mode for tissue mechanics - part I

Luca Cipelletti - A microscopic, experiment-based view of the yielding transition - part II

Tomas Prochazka - Bethe ansatz in 2d conformal field theory

Georgios Tringas - Anisotropic scale-separated AdS flux vacua

Kim Hee-Cheol - Constraints on Kahler moduli space of 6d N=1 Supergravity

Jose Calderon-Infante - Tensionless Strings Limits in 4d Conformal Manifolds

Muthusamy Rajaguru - Fully stabilized Minkowski vacua in the 26 Landau-Ginzburg model

Sonia Paban - Primordial Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds in Multi-field Inflation