Video Editing Hacks to EDIT 10X FASTER (DaVinci Resolve)

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In this video I shared "Video Editing Hacks to EDIT 10X FASTER" that I've learned over the years to make your editing workflow faster. You are losing out on time and money by not becoming faster and more efficient. Use these tips to speed up your editing workflow in DaVinci Resolve and spend less time on a project and get to the next one!
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Prepare before filming and editing your videos by asking your for an example so that you know exactly what the client wants, it will also allow you to copy a video and make it your own. You also want to avoid looking at your video again and again because you can spend up to an hour sometimes just looking at your video over and over and it is unnecessary. Create short cuts that are all grouped to the left of the keyboard so your left hand can get to any shortcut you need and not spend time moving your hands around. Next you want to create low res proxie files so that you take a lot of stress off you machine and get smooth playback. You want to collect presets, templates, SFX and VFX so you don't have to create effects from scratch. You also want to create power bins so all the effects and elements that you use frequently are easy to access. Next you always want to start with what you are most excited about because that will kick you into your creative flow much faster. At the end of each project you finish look back and reflect on what you can speed up on in the next editing session. Make sure to clean up your desktop windows and hard drive files. If you keep a clean work space you can move quicker. Lastly be in the mindset of always looking for what you can speed up. That will allow you to always find a faster way and essentially make you a better editor. A bonus tip at the end of the video!!!! Set deadlines, you will be pressured to find faster ways of editing your projects.
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Prepare before filming and editing your videos by asking your for an example so that you know exactly what the client wants, it will also allow you to copy a video and make it your own. You also want to avoid looking at your video again and again because you can spend up to an hour sometimes just looking at your video over and over and it is unnecessary. Create short cuts that are all grouped to the left of the keyboard so your left hand can get to any shortcut you need and not spend time moving your hands around. Next you want to create low res proxie files so that you take a lot of stress off you machine and get smooth playback. You want to collect presets, templates, SFX and VFX so you don't have to create effects from scratch. You also want to create power bins so all the effects and elements that you use frequently are easy to access. Next you always want to start with what you are most excited about because that will kick you into your creative flow much faster. At the end of each project you finish look back and reflect on what you can speed up on in the next editing session. Make sure to clean up your desktop windows and hard drive files. If you keep a clean work space you can move quicker. Lastly be in the mindset of always looking for what you can speed up. That will allow you to always find a faster way and essentially make you a better editor. A bonus tip at the end of the video!!!! Set deadlines, you will be pressured to find faster ways of editing your projects.