How Illegal Coal Mining Became One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In India | Risky Business

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Rinky Kumari battles brutal heat, toxic fumes, and even death working at India’s largest coal field. We followed the teenage coal collector to see why she works at the fiery mines of Jharia, and what makes this work such a risky business.

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How Illegal Coal Mining Became One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In India | Risky Business
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Last part of video where she is getting education made me glad. Respect the zeal of this little girl, she is full of life.


Even at such harsh environment, she manages to educate herself and tries to enjoy her life with gratefulness. This video reminded me of the saying "Even at your lowest point in your life, someone in this world will kill to live the life you're having". Gives me another reason to be grateful with what I've got and to work harder so I could help these people to live a better life. May God help them.


I am from jharia and i can confirm its all true. The real situation is worst then this documentary. Coal mafia is running private coal mines in Katras, Baghmara and Nirsa and our Honest police force is busy in Vasooli with full support from our Mr Hemant.


Being someone from Dhanbad, I can confirm all of it is true. Such miseries have even worsen out after the new State government has been elected. Entire Jharia is under fire and thousands of lives are at risk, thanks to the so called "advanced mining" practices been implemented for the past 30 years by BCCL


I'm a intern doctor and I've just completed my 28 hour shift in emergency, and I felt like I did too many hustle but after watching this I felt like I did nothing compare to this young hardworking girl!


shes the same age as i am, yet she seems to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. ive just graduated highschool and i complain about the final exams i have to do in a few weeks but i know she would gladly trade places if she had the chance. i hope she can live out her dreams, and if she can't, i'll do it for her. i hope her education can help take her and her family and friends out of this horrible situation.


My grandad worked down the coal pits from.the age of 14. Here in UK. He died at 94 a couple of months ago. So child labour hasnt been gone from Britain for that long.


Was having a difficult day at work today then i saw this. Thank you for putting things in perspective, it's not about working hard and getting succes. Some people are born into situations where no matter how hard they work they will rarely have security in their life time.


I'm from Dhanbad (main district to jharia) and its saddening to see the conditions they face to overcome poverty... illegal coal smuggling occur here at a large scale... I remember whenever i would go somewhere at morning i would see people in cycles with lots of bags full of coal and there would be some motorcycles that would push the cycles so that they could reach their destination faster... Moreover i saw lots of trucks with illegal coal on it stationed near a police station in dhanbad


Being from Jharkhand state its good to see that you people brought up their situation, the government and administration knows thier condition but, does nothing for them.


That girl work's harder then most men here in America, and u have girl's here complaining when there's a line at Starbucks ! I don't know u young lady but I'm very proud of you and the drive and strength you have. Don't give up on your dreams . My family and I pray for you and your family. May God bless you always.


She speaks really well and explains Very clearly....she has a natural talent hope she lead a better life


My heart goes out to her and everyone doing this hard and dangerous work.
Peace & Love ❤️🌸🙏


Thank God I live here in the US! I too have to walk up to 12 miles a day at my job, but I at least have gloves and am/are paid comparatively handsomly.
The fact that the Indian government is a democracy is why we can even see these real life hardships faced by the people. In China, by contrast, the people have it just as bad but the government would NEVER allow a documentary film crew to go into Xinjiang or Tibet.


We truly do not how blessed we are, until we see a video like this!


I feel like crying. Poor girl is so innocent but has no better option. God please bless her with health prosperity and education 🙏


It's really frightening, I myself had tried to go down there holding their hand but couldn't. Risking their own life, they hold the courage because that's their source of income. Thankful to the teacher for his hardwork to think about giving them a new shape and bring the best out of them. ✨❤


I work at a coal power plant, seeing how much fuel we go through in just an hour is insane. What they're working so hard for really isn't much at all. I don't know what coal goes for in India but they need to figure out another hustle where heavy equipment isn't required to make anything worth a damn.


Coming from the same Country, Saddened by seeing their condition. Still in this age where one part is thriving same time other is too poor and living in such harsh conditions. Lots of love Rinky and family 🙏🏻
