PART-4 | MS Excel tutorial malayalam | How to use VLOOKUP formula in excel | learn excel malayalam

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#msexceltutorialmalayalam #msexceltutorial #MSexcel #microsoft #learnexcel #microsoftexcel.
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+91 766 766 9 766
This video is Part- 4
This tutorial series will help you to learn Microsoft Excel efficiently. .
Now a days the knowledge of MS Excel is very important to join and work in any organisation. Most of the companies are keeping "knowledge of MS Excel" as basic eligibility to apply for a job or considering for job promotion in their organisation . So if you want to be success in your career, understand the important of MS Excel and be an expert.
As per my 10 years of experience in corporate world. MS Excel is very easy to learn if the person is really need it or know the important of learning it. So here i am showing you the easiest way to learn MS Excel and make a use of it.
Now anybody can learn MS Excel effectively because we are doing this tutorial in Malayalam. and we hope it will be equally useful for Students, job seekers, Professionals, entrepreneurs and business organizations.
Please do watch all episodes and practice whatever we are discussing. it will make you a "MS Excel Expert"
Welcome to WelMoTech.
We (Muhammad Ashraf & Shafana Ashraf) are basically from calicut and currently settled in Bangalore.
Wealth, Motivation & Technology, these are the main topics we are going to discuss in this channel. We are focused on making all our videos (cooking, baking, motivational & technology) in a way that helps all type of people especially beginners.
We need your support to continue our journey as we expected. so if you are with us, please show your support by subscribing our channel and dont forget to enable the bell icon.
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Checkout my another channel:-
Contact us to know about our MS Excel personal training program (malayalam)
+91 766 766 9 766
This video is Part- 4
This tutorial series will help you to learn Microsoft Excel efficiently. .
Now a days the knowledge of MS Excel is very important to join and work in any organisation. Most of the companies are keeping "knowledge of MS Excel" as basic eligibility to apply for a job or considering for job promotion in their organisation . So if you want to be success in your career, understand the important of MS Excel and be an expert.
As per my 10 years of experience in corporate world. MS Excel is very easy to learn if the person is really need it or know the important of learning it. So here i am showing you the easiest way to learn MS Excel and make a use of it.
Now anybody can learn MS Excel effectively because we are doing this tutorial in Malayalam. and we hope it will be equally useful for Students, job seekers, Professionals, entrepreneurs and business organizations.
Please do watch all episodes and practice whatever we are discussing. it will make you a "MS Excel Expert"
Welcome to WelMoTech.
We (Muhammad Ashraf & Shafana Ashraf) are basically from calicut and currently settled in Bangalore.
Wealth, Motivation & Technology, these are the main topics we are going to discuss in this channel. We are focused on making all our videos (cooking, baking, motivational & technology) in a way that helps all type of people especially beginners.
We need your support to continue our journey as we expected. so if you are with us, please show your support by subscribing our channel and dont forget to enable the bell icon.
Follow the instagram account of our online bake store :