MBSR Guided Practice: The Mountain Meditation of Jon Kabat-Zinn - Maïté

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The Mountain Meditation: A Guided Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Maïté

The Mountain Meditation is one of the foundational practices of MBSR - the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. The script is adapted from Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the MSBR Program. The guidance is offered by Maïté, founder of The Institute for Integrative Mindfulness and Movement.

The Mountain Meditation uses the image of a mountain to cultivate mindful awareness of present moment experiences.
This guided imagery practice can support us in understanding the practice of mindfulness meditation on a deeper level, by bringing awareness to the impermanence of thoughts, sensations, emotions that come and goe like the weather, the seasons, the people passing by, visiting the mountain, and much more...
We can tap into the underlying strength, steadiness, rootedness, endurance, and majesty that exist deeply within us, just like they exist within the mountain, deeply embedded in its presence.


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