Flexor Hallucis Longus Stretch

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The Flexor Hallucis Longus release is a great way to help relieve pain or stiffness in your big toe. But why is this important you may be wondering? Well, because most if not all of our foot control & balance comes from it! Better toe mobility allows for your foot muscles to correct your position with walking or running that could prevent problems such as shin splints and plantar fasciitis.
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I had the top of my foot ran over directly in the middle. Had a bit of bruising and pain after it happened but that was it. It's now been 2 years since it has happened and now my big toe is very tender and hurts a lot, especially at night. It seems like it's stuck flexing upwards a little bit and i can't bend it at all. I've been doing a lot of research and I'm thinking it is checkrein deformity possibly. It seems to me that it's the big tendon on top of my foot that hurts, the one that runs into the big toe, because it's stuck bending my big toe upwards. I can't put any weight on it either it hurts like a mofo. The pain is right at the top, where the toenail is but sometimes my calf feels achey and some days my ankle will hurt a little as well, but mainly my big toe. Any ideas what it could be?
