UNITY MASTERCLASS #3 How to Optimize User Consent Rates with Didomi's Unity SDK

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Jawad Stouli, CTO, and Jéhanne Zkhiri, Compliance Specialist at Didomi, have shared how to optimize user consent rates with Didomi's SDK.

Here is the registration page's text for the webinar 👇👇

In this Masterclass #3, we will walk you through concrete steps to increase you user consent rates in your games. We will share data about formats, messaging and designs - as well as our experience - to help you get the best possible user opt-in rates to boost your ad revenue.

We will present what happens when you adopt a CMP (the link between revenue and consent, standard consents rates and the role of UX), how to optimize consent rates received by you and your vendors (Unity Ads, Mopub, non-IAB vendors...) and how to test and monitor you consent management strategy.

After Masterclasses 1 and 2 that were dedicated to (1) privacy regulation in gaming and (2) the set-up or the Unity SDK in your game(s), the 4th and last Masterclass will then be dedicated to (4) how to increase the ROI of your monetization efforts with a CMP.

Please send us your questions upfront, so that we can address them during our session. We will also hold a live Q&A at the end of the Masterclass. We think of this Masterclass more as a roundtable, not a keynote.

We look forward to having you on board!

PS: Didomi's SDK is deployed on over 90 000 websites and apps, collecting consent on over 2bn devices quarterly. We know what we are talking about. 💪
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