Number Pi explained: scientific facts about the MATHEMATICAL constant

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Pi is a mathematical constant, which is known under such names as, Ludolphine Number, Archimedes' constant or written down as a Greek letter "π" has been used for many years in its mathematical sense.

There are many functional and mystical things connected to this constant and some scholars even consider π to be the most intriguing number in all spheres of the mathematics.

There are various uses for Pi in modern science that is why understanding its value and history of research is incredibly important. We went ahead and tried to briefly explain the value of this constant to modern science and presented top 10 interesting facts about π.

From our interactive video presentation both kids and adults will be able to find out such facts:

- the approximations of Pi and mathematical definition of the term;

- mysterious stories connected with π (unusual crop circles);

- current and previous world records for memorizing the value of Pi;

- earliest known records of pi and scientists, who greatly contributed to its calculation;

- computers and Archimedes' constant;

- why Pi is both irrational and transcendental number;

- why the Great Pyramid at Giza seems to approximate Pi;

- when was the symbol "π" first used to represent the value of Pi;

- interesting practical examples of using the mathematical constant.

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It's exactly what I need for my science project


thumbs down, spent to much time talking about the history and pointless world records. I want to learn about Pi, but its so difficult to find good education material on it.


Ok, so you asking, which facts we would like to add ? .. ok here it is .. some of those hard facts, which nobody is ever able to mention : The value of Pi, which we use today is actualy not calculated by its very definition ... Formulas like C=2Pi*r and A=Pi*r^2 have never been prooven . We don't have any prior theorem for lenghts of curves . We still don't understand what a circle is ...


can you please explain me how Pi is related to the great pyramids of gizeh? because when i use your way the vertical height and the perimeter i can't find Pi.


There are only 1, 000, 000, 000 10 digit combinations using 0 to 9 so pi will repeat a 10 digit sequence after that now if you want the odds of when it will come full circle and repeat it exactly from one place to one place then you would take the 1, 000, 000, 000 and find out how many different combinations of billion digit there are for pi to repeat


Anybody know where the picture at 0:32 is found?


Les 7 premiers chiffres de PI...3, 14 15 92

3 la partie entière est la clef de représentation qui indique une forme de triangulaire 

  Puis la série continue et se borne aaprès l'indication de nombre triangulaire 0 1 2 = 3 au départ, il faudra aller jusqu'à 14 15...donc un triangle des 15 premiers chiffres 
 Mais comme 92 est sens d'inversion 29 donc de somme 14 15 avant dans la partie décimale, il faut positionner à chaque niveau du triangle, un sens positionné s'inversant sur les 5 étages...

3 14 159 2653 58979....3 14 951 2653 97985

  On voit triangulé en spirale (6 au centre de 1 2 3 côtés autour en décompte Décalogique de 4 3 2 1) de côté 4 le 1929 en descente puis le côté 7 9 8 donc 24 et  le côté 5 5 pour 10 : et au centre le 6 (sixième jour de la semaine notion juive donc Jeudi)  le krach spirale du jeudi 24 octobre 1929 qui ne trouve son achèvement dans ce qu'il aura fini d'engendrer qu'en rajoutant la face pyramidale en années de 5  3 1 4 3 soient 16 ans plus tard (PI 16ème lettre grecque aussi car ce code est une signature en interface, notez le signe  5 314 3  et donc 314 sur le carré de l 'intervalle de suite suggérée 5 (4) 3 pour rappeler sa fonction mathématique première d'approximation de rapport vers le carré) donc en 1945 de clôture de la guerre qui revient à la clef de déclenchement de PI ; une vraie première crise mondiale propagée partout 

  Une crise soeur jumelle est contenue...1929 suivi 79 = année finissant par chiffre 8 donc 2008 et le 5 5 d'octobre implique une réitération donc de nouveau un Octobre 2008 krachant, juste en écho 

  La seule suite de raison  -1 des 22 lettres de l'hébreu est la ligne 7 6 5 4...hors le 4 est 1942, année de la solution finale, du génocide Shoah...le  -1 répété 3 fois du dieu révélé est terrible
 La suite de raison -1 (7 6 5 4) et celle de -4 (9 5 1) et la valeur -5 (8 3 : variation 5 angle) est celle des 10 commandements brisés ou retirés : -1 --4 -5 = -10 donc du dieu de Moïse

 En prolongeant en projection hors de la Pyramide PI, on est après 1945...pour un décompte vers 3 ans plus tard du nombre menorah 7 juif

7 6 5 4 ( 3 2 1 est donc en 1942 + 6 = 1948 année de refondation d'Israël ou 3 ans plus tard de 1945 hors triangle pyramidale


Could it be that computers can calculate mathematically more precise a 'nearly' perfect circle than it is possible to create physicaly by any source in infinite time in this universe as the precision limit for a real perfect circle illusion was reached before? There is the endless physical Space for Points A and B, B and C etc. (particles interact and need a minimum amount of space I guess) : Matter needs space. 'Empty' space needs it too. The difference in point A and B connected by a straight line and 2 random opposite points in a circle is the crucial extra information of angle to another nearest possible existing point. So this information comes with an existing point A or B in space. Isn t the circle just a possible man made illusion (to rearrange and reconnect the points of a straight to show equal angle proportions to point A and B, like B and C) and pi is the real costant assistent (with its determinable boundaries in the reality of our universe) for the real magician who creates an endless to be perfected illusion within the boundarys of the maths world calling his assistant not real and illusionary..


...and, can pi interact with another set of pi? (As in, what about circles intertwining with other circles within a circumference?)


If you Google the following search key: THE WIZARD OF PI you'll be able to understand why physics is in big trouble to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity. It's all because pi endows space with a concept that I described as inward fractional infinite where every quantum oscillates between two states: particle and wave. tell your teachers about it and see if they could answer you straight. I doubt it.


Here is my question:

Pi times diameter equals circumference of a circle.

The diameter of a circle is not infinite.

The circumference of a circle is also not infinite.

So how can Pi be an irrational number (having no last number)?

Wouldn't an infinite number (Pi) times a finite number (the diameter of a circle) equal an infinite number (the circumference of a circle)?...

But obviously the circumference of a circle is finite.

So what am I missing, here?


Not to be to be overly critical as I found this interesting but isn't the approximately sign 2 tildes over each other rather than a slashed equal sign? I kept reading it as "Pi is not equal to 3.14159...." Also saying "Youler for Oiler - not big deals but they away credibility. Still enjoyable.


In other words, a diameter still will only fit just a tad over three times around its circumference. Lot of fluff over very little. However, I would point out that if PI is describing a ratio between two finite and rational dimensions, then it is bound by a set of limits (regardless of whether idiots or "scientists" set the limits). Therefore, this number is not infinite under the provided definitions. Limits or a bound measurement is either present or not. Just as no measurement will yield a completely "whole number". So, either PI is a rational number or the circumference/or diameter is irrational. A closed system as described by a circle will be by its own definition finite. Should someone wish to take the random and arbitrary value of PI to the sub-subatomic level, then essentially they will have reached the furthest possible boundary before completely disappearing into nothingness and that is zero by any normal definition.


3:22 He Put ' = ' So Now Hr
e Will Have To Write 5 Trillion Digits


Amazes me how we can find Pi pretty much everywhere in our world and even in our lives. Pi isn’t a magic number, it’s a fact. Pi is God mobile number. A number so big that makes it impossible to call and speak with Him. Look around you right now and I guarantee you you will find Pi. That’s a certainty


1:13 I don't know why I wanted to laugh when I heard that part


This Video should instead be titled "People Are Amazed by Pi, Here are the many ways people have been amazed by it"


The string 19530118 occurs at position 22930816. This string occurs 4 times in the first 200M digits of Pi.
counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.


The narrator cannot pronounce Euler correctly!


Best way to memorise five digit of the value of pi was


3. 1 4 1 5
