The Haunting Case of The Lindley Street Poltergeist

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FAN FAVORITE | Avery discusses the Lindley Street Poltergeist Case of 1974, one of the most downloaded & requested episodes of the show. Enjoy!


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A FAN FAVORITE episode! Throwing it back to one of our CREEPIEST & most watched/requested episodes. Thanks so much for watching friends. You all are the best! 👻


Just found this awesome video by accident, and I’m so glad I did! I nearly fell out of the chair when I heard the part about the recliners, because the same thing happened in our house. We think it was my departed dad, and that he was upset that my mom was planning to sell the family home he had built. It all stopped once we decided to remodel instead of to sell. Thanks, Avery, from a new subscriber!


This is such a great story! With so much documentation and multiple eyewitnesses, including Police and Firefighters, I believe this event was truly paranormal. It reminds me of another great story you told about the house that had 28 spontaneous fires breakout inside. Multiple authorities witnessed that as well. Thank you, Avery. I love your spooky videos.


I recently started following your channel, and I love it! Thanks for talking about this case. I grew up in a neighborhood that was a five minute drive from Lindley Street in Bridgeport, and I was a freshman in high school when all this went down. Since I was a little kid, I've always loved ghost stories and the paranormal, so it was a big deal to me at the time. Lindley Street really isn't in a sleepy, quiet neighborhood because it's one block over from a large hospital, and there's also a lot of car traffic going up and down this street all the time. The crowds got so bad that they interfered with the flow of traffic. Not sure if the cops stopped people from gathering in front of the house, but it was a real circus for a while. It's all we kids talked about. The Warrens were called in to investigate, but then suddenly all the news went quiet and people just moved on -- like they always do. I always felt sorry for Marcia, who got the blame for causing lots of the events. I can tell you from personal experience that Bridgeport cops liked to blame kids and/or victims for cases they couldn't solve. We sold my Mom's house in Bridgeport last year, and I live in a different part of the state, but I used to drive by 966 Lindley Street a lot, and I would always remember...


The Commissioner was probably under orders from higher up the Chain of Command to get the issue dealt with or covered up. The government, even a local one, can't be seen as unable to handle a situation. It's standard protocol to lay blame as close as they can to the source of the disturbance. So the girl became a scapegoat possibly from both sides. Is there any info on what happened afterwards? What happened to the family? Did they move was the house destroyed? Part 2 opportunity?


Hi, a poltergeist literally means "noisy ghost" and is usually caused by young girls. How i know this stuff is because i have lived thru the same thing back in the 1970's.


Creepy story 😳 😬 😐 😕 Awesome throwback avery 🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟Happy Sunday


Very scary i read some other poltergeist cases thanks for the sharing


A new video from the charming, lovely Avery. 🥳 The evening is rescued. 🥰


This was a truly fascinating case. I remember reading about it years ago (I know, I am dating myself, lol!) The number of eyewitnesses to the activity was simply unprecedented. That's what makes it so fascinating, as it was so well documented. Now, do I think it was a hoax? Highly unlikely. As you pointed out, it is unlikely that a 90 pound ten-year-old child could perpetrate a hoax so elaborate and so physically demanding (not to mention ingenious planning on her part!), unless of course, she had confederates involved. I will stop short, however, of stating that this event was paranormal. What it calls for, is much more examination of the phenomena with scientific measuring equipment so that all other possibilities, natural or human-caused factors can be ruled out. Once everything else is eliminated to satisfaction, well then I would consider a supernatural explanation. Remember Occam's Razor: When it comes to solving a mystery, the simplest explanation is always the correct one. Love your work! Looking forward to your next creepy drop!! Cheers from Canada!!


Love that it's a fan favorite throwback! Had a feeling it was a repost :P


As hauntings (folklore) go, the Bell Witch will always be the most "scary", "haunted" and all those terms in American history. According to the lore she actually killed someone and laughed menacingly at his funeral. So loud (as the lore states) that it drowned out the minister.


Wonderful video.
Youre a great story teller. Easy on the eye too 😊
Keep up the good work, hello from Sydney Australia


I just recently discovered your channel. I love the stories, and you have such a great, calming voice to listen to 😊


Loved the creepy rocking chair detail. listening while at work, and i'd see that out of the corner of my eye and be like *gasp" what's moving! Awesome vid.


I don't believe a 10 year old girl was behind everything, but i do believe that the adults, including Ed and Lorine WERE behind it all. And this poor girl sadly was caught in the center of it.


Love your work! Also the purple in this = total spooky vibes. Love it! :)


Great episode Avery! I really got pulled into this one. Your delivery just keeps getting better. A couple thoughts on the story; police take their job seriously and are trained observers. They put their careers and reputations on the line when they made official reports of the incidents. Also, I was wondering about the Goodins' child that died before they adopted Marcia. Could his ghost have become jealous, focusing his anger on Marcia?


Great! New subscriber here! I love the Youtube channels Dark Asia with Megan, Let's Read, B Busta, Mortis Media, Raven Reads and Booze and Boos. This one is a fine addition to aid my nightly sleeping. Keep up the great work!


After hearing the supposed admission of guilt from said girl, the number one thing that should've been asked is "How?"
The fact that it clearly never was asked, is a dereliction of duty, and a failure to protect the victims being affected by it, regardless of whether she caused it or not, because she wasn't the only person dealing with it.
Asking "How?" and demanding she show them what she did to produce the results everyone witnessed, would have either proven her admission, or proven something else was going on. In either case, you'd have your answer, but that apparently didn't happen, and that's inexcusable.
