Frequently Asked Questions with a DPE - AeroGuard Flight Training Center

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Flight Instructor Beth Brown, sits down with Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) Pete Reddan to get his insights on frequently asked questions by student pilots that are preparing for their FAA checkride. Find out Pete's answers to questions like:

As my passenger, but also a DPE, how do I treat you since you are really the boss?

What are some trends you see or weak areas for applicants?

and more!

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Just gotta pause and clap for the “just remember the ACS” comment yeah in addition to everything else great question glad they asked


I remember when I did my multiengine practical checkride, I was just about entering the runway for take off and suddenly my seat moved backwards, so what I did was taxi back to the ramp. The examiner said that was a good decision making, if you would have tried to initiate the take off I would have failed you immediately. So next day I took my checkride again and everything went fine. So always a good decision making is mandatory. Fly safe!


Beth and Pete, thank you for taking the time to have this conversation and dispel many of the worries that applicants may have when planning their check ride.


Great advice! I was solo practicing my steep turns and just could not figure out why I was getting so far out of tolerance in smooth air; so I rolled out and started over. Your advice emphasizes to fly the plane during the CheckRide just as I would solo.


I like his explanation on the ACS, but it is so daunting, like how do you fill your mind with its entirety ..Going for a check ride hopefully in a few months…


great information. Thank you. If you don't mind some video/audio production feedback... Try not to record audio with camera mic in a room with hard services like concrete/similar. This audio sounds like you are in a bathroom or cave. A room with carpet or a rug will improve this.


People stare at the instruments because the standard is so exact. I get once you have it in tune and locked in you have it and that you're VFR, so your focus should be outside but how many times do we realistically practice these to be that an expert on a relatively abritrary maneuver that we do just for the check ride. Burning in the sight picture of something just to do it for the test just seems ridiculous. He flies the same two aircraft routeinly as a DPE so yeah for him I'm sure he can see the sight picture of a stall or slow flight is incorrect.. but as a student pilot I don't fly at stall/cusp of stalling normally.


Heck yea, I look for all of the airports around my home-airport. Emergency and Also Bathroom landings. Ha Ha.


Since I got 100% on my written, should I expect more scrutiny due to that? The last thing I want to do is appear "cocky" or a "know-it-all" but I do want to be confident.
